Due to Twilkey's specifications, I am making the '404 Error Contest'. This is a contest, where you can get your own creation at a major place at ForgeHub. That being, when you go to a nonexistant site you get the '404 error'. Right now, ours is very bland, and doesnt fit with our skin. Your job is to make an image that says '404 Error' somewhere on it. Feel free to include other text in it, but only if its done with class. Rules: -It should directly relate to ForgeHub. -It MUST be between (and including) 400x400 and 500x500 pixels. -The 404 must be very noticeable. -It doesn't have to completely fill the box, it can be curvy, etc. -It must fit both of ForgeHub's new skins (ForgeHub X and ForgeHub) well. -Preferably make it a little sadistic, make people scared when they see it. -If you like, try something funny, again, only if its done with class. -Do not include your name. -There is no set time limit, but do it as soon as possible to get in your submission!
I decided to keep it sleek. And with text only. Also, it fits with both skins so dont worry. P.S. The BG is transparent. And its 400x400
its not the best, and its 450x450. i like how it turned out.. but its way different than i expected.. it should look good with the new skin.. i havent tried
i would say like up the "404" so its all in one line. if you did that and made the background transparent i think it would work very well
The only problem is Im bad with that kind of stuff, do you think you could do it but still give me credit? You get credit for editing tho. Also I think it needs to be bigger, but ya .
i'd rather not.. at least not right now.. im trying to write an essay for health and im getting a bit discracted. maybe have someone else? sorry idk.
Me 2 and I have no clue what too write. the error 404 I think is good as it is because it IS plain. It works.
Whoa, I really like the look of that. A few before looked pretty good, but that ones fairly impressive. Of course, I'm giving it a week or something, give other guys a shot. Thats the kind of thing we're looking for. It follows all specifications, it gives you the right feeling, and its stylish IMO. The background helps too. Though Twilkey might be looking for a more professional look over that, I dont know. I really like that look.
i think ill work on this a bit... so is it nessisary 4 there to be a transparent background...i have a really good idea for a picture, but its a solid picture
I aggree with Penguinish, Zero's and Rey's ones are the best so far. Reys clear one is better than the boxed one, it fits better with both themes. Stoj's is funny, but the Y should go underneath the blue writing to see it properly.