Halo 3 Mythic - Assembly Possibly A Campaign Expansion Too?

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Reynbow, Sep 7, 2008.

  1. Draw the Line

    Draw the Line Ancient
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    I doubt they'd introduce more campaign missions. People hardly play campaign as it is...it wouldn't make sense to take all of the time and resources to make something that wouldn't have as much replayability as a few multiplayer maps.

    I wish they'd do some more rumor control over at Bungie...some of the rumors I've been hearing lately are just crazy.
  2. Grey Benefit

    Grey Benefit Ancient
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    Damn! You two have no idea how much I wanna stick my oar in and fight. Been ages since I've seen an argument with posts longer than a sentence XD

    But seriously, take it outside.

    I really hope we get some kind of Single-player expansion, but I'm not too sure overall. It'd be great, but... I dunno. Maybe I just don't like to expect too much.

    Either way, even if we don't, those achievements should keep me happy. What can I say? I'm a ScoreWhore =P
  3. Frag Man

    Frag Man Ancient
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    I don't know, he hated me, then he hated my post, then he tried to insult me. I was already mad at everyone else who insulted me for what I posted, and I took it out on him. From there the flames grew, but I apologized.

    Being the bigger man isn't everything, and showing people I can boss people around isn't my style. Then the hate for me gets worse. Him, Dragoncoals, and Dom are probably my only current enemies, but I've been know to make friends with my enemies.

    On topic, Nemi, they blocked out the word using jjkkllsjdf because they don't want people to know what it is, or to think it's a campaign. The Xbox your looking at is probably a modding device on top of it, or maybe what you said it was.
  4. Duckyz

    Duckyz Ancient
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    yea looks like bungie still have stuff to reveal about the mythic update
  5. TChun21

    TChun21 Ancient
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    I want huge marine vs covenant battles
  6. Wingsofhalo

    Wingsofhalo Ancient
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    This kind of makes me think like "If Oblivion was online" bungie may say 'Its not in the coding' but, code it then. I find it possible that Bungie may release a DLC/Disc Expansion pack. Like similiar Oblivion: Shivering Isles and Fable: The Lost Chapters. So displayed in other games, this is obviously possible. What may be added is New Campaign levels, continuing from where we left off - MC heading off into an unknown space. It also might include Assembly - As a Bonus. There is many things possible
  7. Frag Man

    Frag Man Ancient
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    It's most likely going to be a Mappack CD that includes all maps available for download. This CD might also contain the vi docs too. You just can't "put in the coding" for an online game. It would erase memory. It was easy for Oblivion because that was a single-player game. Halo 3 stores memory of all Multi-player data, and would erase all that data.
  8. Stratigon13

    Stratigon13 Ancient
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    I hope those achievements count for security helmet all i need is 5 more pts. I think more campaign would be cool but this is prolly just another map pack. I hope it is dlc cause im not really having trouble keeping money from pouring out of my wallet.
  9. xFr1ct10nx

    xFr1ct10nx Ancient
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    looks like good evidence but maybe its just because its a bungie 360 or sumthin and there are new skulls so it is possible, idk but good find
  10. M.Jelleh

    M.Jelleh Ancient
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    That is interesting reynbow... do you mind if I stick this thread in my Mythic map pack leak/rumors thread? I am trying to cut down on Mythic map pack threads with an all inclusive one, but this is Ok because it is speculation. I just thought that it would be nice to add.
  11. Okage4

    Okage4 Ancient
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    It'd be nice to have campaign plug-in missions, but I doubt it...

    Whatever Bungie is using at PAX, it's probably either just a disk used to promote them. Seriously, which one is more likely to make you go "wow", the same old Halo 3 menu we've had for almost a year, or an awesome new one?

    Anyway, yeah, the other possibility of what it is, other's have stated: the newest DLC could perhaps be sold on a disk like the Oblivion and Fable expansion packs.
  12. HITtheLIGHTZ

    HITtheLIGHTZ Ancient
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    That only mentioned three of the skulls listed from the leak. Honestly given how we know what assembly is, sandbox probably being the edge video new foundry map, and orbital likely being moonbase alpha I think a much more plausible theory would be that they're just releasing six new multiplayer maps with skulls hidden somewhere inside of them.

    Heres the list:

    -Heretic Skull. 25 GS
    -Assembly Skull. 25 GS
    -Citadel Skull. 25 GS
    -Sandbox Skull. 25 GS
    -Orbital Skull. 25 GS
    -Longshore skull. 25

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