The Review Hub

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by G043R, Jul 21, 2008.

  1. E93

    E93 Guest

    Please guys, stop spamming our thread. PLEASE, I beg you!

    We don't care what you think about the RH, and its inactivity. Just leave us alone.

    I wish this thread was a more like RH only thread. I think we should make it.
    We should be able to go on map forums, and choose the maps WE want to review. I'm tired of getting spam from angry users that want their map reviewed.

    Well, guess what, just keep telling us to review it, and we never will. Kay? =] This isn't a provided service, this is a group.
  2. Bottlecap

    Bottlecap Ancient
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    So now the Review Hub is headed by A loyal, a premium, and a journalist. Nice. Now all we need is God....(rusteh)
  3. Shihuru

    Shihuru Ancient
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    Dude im not spamming and im not forcing you to review my map. Im only suggesting. If you have made something called the Review Hub, where people rate maps, of course people are going to want their maps rated. Because there isn't anyone else to give a professionally organized review of their map. You shouldn't expect people to NOT post any maps. You should understand how they feel. Its not just because they want to get a map to be reviewed, they really want to get a map to be reviewed because they strongly believe that it is good enough to earn a good rating, but they just need someone to do it...
  4. E93

    E93 Guest

    Since when are we professional?!?

    And yes, we should expect to not have people posting their maps all the time! Had you read the first post, you'd know just as well not to bug us. And, yes I do consider it spam, since it's irrelevant.

    And isn't everyone going to think that their map is good enough for a review?

    If one day, you decide to pay me for doing this, I'll do it in no time, but since it's more of a recreational thing, I can review the map I want to, and I don't need constant reminders to do it.

    Like the first post says:
    ''If your map isn't on the list, give it some time. If we don't end up putting it on the list, don't keep bugging us to. Maybe we didn't think it was fit enough.''

    Get it? Got it? Good.

    Gosh I hate arguing. Specially on a website.

    I'll have Bad Posture reviewed by tonight, hopefully, and I'll choose another map to review soon too.
  5. Bottlecap

    Bottlecap Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Hotel Zanzibar
    Made by G043R
    Reviewed by The Yellow

    Enjoyment: 5.5/10

    Now, really this map was different at one point. G043R had started building it long ago but then stopped, and re-opened the project months later. I tested Hotel Zanzibar during the summer, and I thought it was pretty fun. But, after doing my review game with my fellow Review Hubbers, that was not the case unfortunately. I just don't know where it went wrong, but I do know that it happened. Playing on this map just wasn't something that was enjoyable, and nearing the middle of the review I could hear the groans of having to play yet another round. There really weren't any moments for any of us that we laughed, cheered or cried for. So, sadly this map was of low enjoyablility.

    Balance: 6/10

    And surprisingly so this map was quite unbalanced. There were simply too many power weapons for a map of this size, or any map on Foundry that is. The defenders had it made. They had the best access to a sword, shotgun, brute shot, and other things. And the attackers had a rocket, sniper rifle and a few other weapons, one being the flame thrower which was fairly useless. I just didn't get the weapons layout. Although the attackers had a varying selection of powerful weapons the map is set up so that players really can't make an efficient use of them. Most of the time the defeners would just cram together in the second story and rain down hell on those trying to come up the stairs. And most of the secondary side routes could easily be circumvented or camped.

    Durability: 9.5/10

    Now, considering the fact that this map uses the entire space of Foundry anyone stupid enough to claim they've broken it should be shot in the head. Really, that is one of this map's strongest points, being one of the not so common ones to use all the available Foundry given space. Props to G043R for tackling such a large area. But, the spawns, although I never really got spawn camped, were kind of strange at times. It was just very awkward to spawn in a fence box placed on top of the Hotel and have to jump down. Or even worse, spawning in mid-air and falling into the mosh pit of death in a CTF match. But really, other than those two spawn points, G043R did know how to place his spawn points better than most people ever will.

    Aesthetics: 9/10

    Well, at least this map looks cool. As the name implies, this map is supposed to be a hotel. And from playing on it I really did get that impression. It had a nice little reception area, an elevator that barely works (like at real hotels with crappy service), an interesting idea of stairs that are reversed in opposing positions, and oh, I really liked the vent shafts. And everyone, lets not forget G043R was the first person to make those palm trees, and those rock, seriously. So for aesthetics I believe that is what G043R really put his heart into, making a beauty of a map.

    Originality: 8/10

    This map, all in all is decently original. I mean yes, the palm trees are cool, and the vent shaft was the first I've seen (in the past) of it's kind. But really it kinda reminded me of all those first generation forge maps made on Foundry, you know the house ones or the big building ones. And this map was just like a cleaner version of the oldies. But with the elevator and the stairs added to the mix, its enough to make this map memorable.

    Overall: 6.5/10​

    All in all this map is just more of an aesthetic one, something that would be great for a machinima set or something of that sort. But, since it is posted as a competitive map than it has to be rated accordingly, and that is what brought it down. Things to be improved... G043R I thought this map was pretty fun during testing. I have come to two possible conclusions for the way it turned out. First, it could have just seemed fun in testing because of all the cooky members of Forgehub we had there, and also the cooky atmosphere. Or, maybe you just tried to change too much of the map in testing and went overboard. But, please I want to see you continue forging, I think you are the best Conquest map maker I have ever seen, and you can do it all on non-Foundry! So G043R, take this review with a grain of salt, because in other areas you really shine.
  6. Shihuru

    Shihuru Ancient
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    I never said you guys were :professionals." I said you guys review maps "professionally." And you said, "If one day, you decide to pay me for doing this, I'll do it in no time, but since it's more of a recreational thing..." When you joined RH, im pretty sure they didn't mention you getting paid to review these maps. Im pretty sure you didn't join the RH just to join it and Review a couple of maps, when You want to... Im going to stop after this post because i too agree that I hate arguing, especially on a website....
  7. Bloumbas

    Bloumbas Ancient
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    E93, I dse you posted an hour ago about my map, I don't think its playable because I was editing it, so i think some of the stuff might not spawn, so maybe check that beforehand, just so you dont end up wasting your time. Oh, wait youll have it REVIEWED, so that means you played on it, and it might have worked? anyway, I hope I didnt waste anyones time with the not spawning thing, see ya bros.
  8. E93

    E93 Guest

    The Review Hub
    Map Name: Bad Posture
    Author: Bloumbas
    Reviewed By: E93

    Enjoyment: 6/10
    Alright, how do I start this... Well, the map was most definetely not even close to being one worth getting featured, but it's fun to it's certain extent. Even though the map had some pretty bad stuff going on (which I will elaborate in further criteria), it was still enjoyable to play on, for a while. But, don't get too excited about it. Give it some 10 minutes, and you'll be pretty sick of playing it, and it will start getting really repetitive. You spawn, you kill someone, you die. You spawn, get spawn killed. You spawn, kill someone, spawn-kill, etc. It gets really limited also because of it's short size.

    Balance: 6/10
    Well, since the map is fairly small, there isn't a lot of room left for a lot of weapons. The only sniper on the map, is the only power-weapon on the map, as well. Since it's placed in the middle, there's more balance added to it, but it loses a lot of points for this specific reason: The map is tiny. You find the sniper in the tallest spot on the map, right where you can see, and sniper everyone on the map. So it makes it really, really easy to spawn kill, if you know how to use it. The only equipment on the map, is the Power Drain, which is placed, as well in the middle. Fairly balanced, again. It just depends on luck if you get it or not.

    Durability: 3/10
    This was a really upseting part of the map. Let everyone down, and was a bit comical. I didn't take off a lot of points majorly because of the non-spawning Double-Boxes, because I know Bloumbas was still trying to fix them. That made it incredibly easy to get out of the map. I know it will be fixed later, so I didn't worry to much about it. But what made the map's grade drop down to a 1 here, was being able to escape out of the map, a very different way, where no Double-Boxes were even placed to begin with. The sniper tower, on the middle of the map. A simple grenade jump get's you out. One game we played of CTF, had the flag spawning outside. We managed to jump out, retrieve the flag, and score it, also outside of the map. Spawn-Camping was also terrible. Like I said before, the sniper tower just simply handed free spawn kills to whoever was there, with the sniper.

    Aesthetics: 8/10
    Very, very neat interlocking. Very clean, and pleasant, on the most part too. It just lacked, like most maps do, that extra something to make it stand out, and quit being just another map. Needs the shizam!. You know what I'm saying?

    Originality: 6/10
    Once again, lacked somethnig to make it stand out. The shape of the map was interesting, but very plain, and didn't have a lot of complex ideas. It takes a lot of thinking to get something to be special, and stand out. I don't blame Bloubmas, but it just didn't happen, you know.

    Overall score (Average of the above):5.8/10
    All of the gametypes need a little working on. The flags need to not spawn outside, etc. Consider removing the sniper tower, or fixing it, somehow so spawn-camping doesn't occur. Overall, it's an ok map. Just needs a lot of work, still.
  9. Bloumbas

    Bloumbas Ancient
    Senior Member

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    E93, thanks for the review, I pretty much agree with everything you stated, and I hope I could improve on it, I know you only do one version, so I'm not asking for a second review. I didn't think there was a flag spawn outside the map though, I think thats because the budget map I used didn't have the flag spawns deleted, My own fault and carelessness. I did the map quite a while ago, so hopefully my newer maps will have some shizam, one in perticular I'm doing with a partner has some outstanding aesthenics. Hopefully the finished product will be submitted here as well. Again, thanks review hub and E93.
  10. Phreakie

    Phreakie Ancient
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    O.O" still waiting for Clockworks T-T But dont review it yet if you do it anytime soon V3 is coming out tomorrow
  11. G043R

    G043R Ancient
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    Sorry I haven't been posting I have been busy with a few personal things It should be up for one more week or so and I'll be back... if you need something edited please ask the mods or admins to edit my first post or the archive while i am out...

    BTW nice reviews guys keep 'em coming...

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