This was one of the first ideas that came into my head as I got the Heroic Map Pack (Foundry). There are two sides, Americans and Mexicans. The American side has several turrets and sniper towers. The Mexican side has several vehicles and one sniper tower. There are two entrances to the American side, one large boarder checkpoint, and a small breakable hole in the wall. The game type I made for this is called "MexicanInvasion" and basically the fast-moving Mexicans run and hide on the American's side (or they can drive right in but that's not advised, unless it's a distraction). Anyways, here are some pictures to further your interests in this Map. Mexican's side American's side Behind the hole in the wall American Checkpoint Now, the links... : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing Map : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing Gametype
What is the game type? (is it CTF, slayer, assault). Too much open space. I suggest you put movable objects such as crates and forklifts.
M0AR 1NTERL0X PLZ JK =) This map looks ok I guess. A little sloppy and lacks interlocking but you had some clever ideas. Gameplay looks like it would be kinda lame but Ill try to hold off on the critisism until Ive played. I guess Ill download... Also the whole idea of mexicans v americans is pretty ****ed up >=( .5/5 racist...
Sorry, I made this map before I discovered interlocking (or any other forge tricks for that matter). I just now decided to put it online.
one i have seen better versions of this map but thats ok two ot looks sloppy in places but thats ok three it looks like its very one sided even thats ok at times ...but four the racisism twords mexicans and the image that amaricans are intolerant...really couldn't you think of a different name like wall breach or sumtin 2/5 srry but i hate maps like this so much because of what there about
racist? there have been some better versions of this its a pretty good version considering you made it before you knew how to interlock looks kinda empty in the middle add some cover, ambey soft mabey another structure
THIS IS NOT REALISTIC, AMERICANS DO NOT GUARD OUR NATIONS BORDER! No jokes, jk jk. but i do believe this could use some work sir. the whole map looks pretty open for the most part, it looks like it could use some more.
No, this isnt racist, this really does happen though, its not racist meaning, the mexicans do actually escape various cop chases by crossing over into the american border, I can see that there is some discrimination and racism, but I havent seen this idea done, with a stoy like this. The map is a bit poorly made though, so 2.5/5 atleast you passed right?
This is not the best name for a map, but it does not look like it has enough cover throughout the map. Looks nice tho I guess, could use more interlocking and geomergen!
wow not only is this map poorly constructed, but it is also racist to all mexicans. as the poll so elegantly shows this map epically fails...
This is very racist yes, but he is at least contributing to this downfall of a community which we all adore. ^_^
Crackhead I guess there have been black people that have smoked crack, but it's an incredibly small percentage. Would it be okay to post a map called "Bust the Black Crack Head? I rest my case.
Locked. No racial innuendos of any kind will be tolerated. You can re-post the map when you can come up with a better description that doesnt have the potential to create epic flame wars