Barricade Created by F4K13D0UBL3P3G and Bornslayer05. "Fight your way in, finish your objective, fight your way out... Just another day at the office." Attacker's spawn Attacker's base Stairway leading to Defender's Base Sniper area and outside cover Defender's Base "I caught me a blue guy!" Quick escape Attacker's central support point This map is setup for One Flag CTF, One Bomb Assault, and Infection. There is no downloadable gametype, play them how you want. As you can see, this map is a huge wall with one main entry point, the top of the stairs. there is a secondary entry point below the bridge on the wall, that area also serves as a sniper tower for the outside of the base, it also has a fast way into the base. The inside of the base features lots of ramps leading down from the wall to an area with a couple of corners and boxes to hide in and one entry to the flag/bomb area (other than dropping in from the top) and two exits (the same way in and a grav lift leading out the sniper tower. The attacker's have plenty of weapons and grenades to let them stand a chance against the defender's huge base. The attacker's also have warthogs gallore. If your team has a good enough driver to drive into the base you can have the advantage of a turret on your side. In the middle of the wall at the bottom there is a tunnel leading to a window view of the inside of the defender's base where you can shoot, throw grenades, and whatever else you want. in that tunnel there is also a deployable grav lift to be found which can be used to jump up and onto the sniper area of the wall. Barricade If you have any questions or comments just post. If you find a defect in the map just let me know. Thanks, and have fun!
wow, the post turned out great, totally worth the time we put into it. Hope you guys enjoy it, any feedback is great.
This looks like a really well put together objective map. The geometry of the whole thing I love, especially. I'll download it and give it a try.
I could almost say this looks like a perfect map but what in the world is with all the Warthogs? Is every team member supposed to drive one or something? I count 5. There honestly wouldn't even be enough room realisticly for 3 to drive around. Other than that though, this looks like fun. I might just have to edit the Warthogs myself so I can say this looks perfect. Nicely done overall.
we gave this map some room for laughs by putting those in, cause while we were testing it we found that its hard for the attackers to get into the base so you get frustrated, and by having the warthogs it allows you to just say "screw it, im taking a hog" you'll most likely die if your alone, so you would need someone on the turret and people covering you, and not only that but it is really hard to drive the hogs so you can really only have like one or two out. and we also did it for looks so the attackers base looks bigger and badder. without the wathogs it looks tiny and empty and when you look at the defenders base compared to yours you might just drop a load in your spartan suit. i've seen it happen, lol jk. but sereously, we thought long and hard about taking those out and it just makes it too hard for the attackers without them.
if anyone else has feedback let us know. it is appriciated. even the bad feedback, cause we want to know what you think.
I recently tested out some of your other maps and they were nice. U said to check this one out so I will. The screens look great so I have high hopes for this one
np. Also that map with the center wall, tell me when u start testing for that cause that maps a winner As far as this map, its nice, a lil more cover would be a ppropriate for me but other than that. This map is solid. Nice work
All the maps i've ever played with Gauss monthogs have always been over powering, cause its a one hit kill. Overall though nice job.
I guess but still.. EX..Gauss eliminates all enemies team members come in, grab flag hop in passanger and drive home
not a big fan of armories cuz it gives too many weapons to teams and gives no reason to go get more risky weapons
thanks for all the feedback guys, it helps me and f4k13 improve our maps, so yeah again thanks i guess lol