I want to hear your thoughts about GOW 2 I personally think gears 2 should be teh best game ever! please post your thoughts ty.:happy:
Well, theoretically, every game should live up to its hype. The big outrage comes when a game that should have been great turns out mediocre. So, GoW2 should be...as you put it..."teh best game evar", but there's obviously a decent chance that it won't.
Best game ever,m they could make an exact replica of gears one, wth new levels and it would be best game ever.
Neither. I'm sure that it will live up to the hype (it's still just "shoot things", right?), but it won't be the best game ever. Hell, it won't even be the best Xbox 360 game ever.
gears of war did have incredible graphics and detail,and a good story. But other games do have there perks,like halo3 with its awesome multiplayer,or the grand theft auto series and its vast worlds to explore and variety of things to happen. Gears of war2 will probobly be an exquisite game, but I dought "teh best game eva".
i thought the campaign in the first gears of war was freaking amazing. It had my adrenaline pumping at multiple points throughout the first time through. When the first berserker broke through the wall in front of me i sh*t my pants. and it was sooo gorgeous. Gears2 will be a great game, no doubt about that. but there is no way it will live up to the hype if that hype is "This will be the best game ever!" I'm buying it for sure.
I think the game is being way overly hyped. GoW was overly hyped and i didn't turn out well. Personally, i think GoW was very boring and bland after completing the story once and playing a couple of matchmaking. Overall, GoW is boring and GoW2 isn't going to be any different....
It would live up to the hype for me if they improve their shitty multiplayer. Campeing was amazing, and beyond. Multiplayer was terrible.
I hope this isn't like GTA IV turned out. While it is a great game, and has a lot of replayability, it wasn't what everyone expected. For what it is now, nothing can live up to it. Lets hope that Gears of War 2 will not only live up to the hype it's created, but actually live off of it for years to come.