Captivity V2 is a small map which was orginally named corners for obvious reasons. The shape of the map was influenced by the general shape of Rat's Nest. The map is best suited for small team battles up to 6 players. Team king works very well with this map as well as an adapted version of Capture The Flag. This is my first map in which i am posting up on ForgeHUB and i have plenty more to offer! OVERVIEW BASE MIDDLE BRIDGE INNER ROOM INNER CORIDOOR Click here to watch a video walkthrough Click here to watch some Team King gameplay footage from this map Download Captivity V2 here! Download MultiFlag Touch game variant here!
it looks great thanx for adding more pictures it looks great ( i love the powerups are they switches)
wow mini waz, 3 posts this map is great. i already dl'd and found it very smooth. and it feels like a real bungie map rather than a foundry map. good creativity. 8.8/10
I like how you balanced this map out in weapons and in map symmetry. This is a well made map. This looks like it offers good gameplay. How would this game play with Oddball???
Thanks, its really nice to get some feedback on maps i make. I forgot to mention that this map is compatible with Slayer, Capture The Flag, King Of The Hill, Oddball, Assault and Territories. I try to make all of my maps compatible with most gametypes. I think that it would be interesting to play oddball on this map because there is no such hiding spot although i would imagine that most of the action would occur towards the inner edge of the map.
Cool idea, Rat's Nest is one of my favorite maps gameplay wise but I hate it's overall layout but this looks like the layout plays amazing from your vid. I'll give you a more though review after playing on this map a bit more since I haven't played it much. There are good aethetics but they're some spots you may want to touch up like the pillar mayde by the two doors. Great map, looking forward for more from you, map wise and Mishap wise
Looks pretty small, but good for slayer. Great interlocking and making stuff go through the ground. 5/5 but too small for me.
Looks like a great map. The power ups in the wall are things i really like and they give a very aesthetic flare. the bottom area though looks kind of empty, but otherwise great map 8/10
I really like the bridge and the lack of corners. Perfect interlocking and geomerging. are u sure this shouldn't be in the competitive section. AMAZING WORK keep forging!
this looks really clean and well made. the inner part is my favorite because i like close combat the most. and you also said you have much more to offer? if they are as good as this expect me to dl all if not most of them. 4.5/5
nice middle sructure, witht eh pathways going through it the geomerging is good, so is the interlcoking map looks kinda clutered, mabey clean it up very nice cleanly astetic map
WOW... this map is great... Ahmaring interlocking nice merging if there was ne i was to busy w/ game play but some more of the appeal factor n in my opinion this is FEATURE material.... nice gameplay neone who has passed over this map hasn't watched the King of the Hill video it shows how great this map is.... i dont think that walkthrough map is needed just use the King of the Hill one but ne ways this is greate keep them coming n think bout V.3
WOW! Thanks everyone, i do have a lot more maps to post up. My newer ones aren't in my fileshare because i need to renew my Bungie Pro. I have some MLG maps, Casual Maps and Mini Games that i will definately post up over the coarse of this month. I will also start working on a very small but fun infection map today. So thanks for the good feedback everyone, i will make sure to include a video with the future maps i post up!