Download Atrium Atrium is a small, all-enclosed symmetrical map designed for 1v1 and 2v2, and a max of 4 players in FFA. BRs will work wonders here, but the Sword reigns supreme. However, the dual Maulers and Sniper can silence the sword wielder. Simply dual mauler him or not so simply, no-scope him right in the face for a fantastic bulltrue. Weapon/Equipment List BR x 4 [30 Second Respawn] Default Clips AR x 2 [30 Second Respawn] Default Clips Carbine x 2 [30 Second Respawn] Default Clips Mauler x 2 [60 Second Respawn] Default Clips Plasma Pistol x 2 [45 Second Respawn] N/A Sniper Rifle x 1 [120 Second Respawn] 1 Spare Clip Energy Sword x 1 [120 Second Respawn] N/A Plasma Grenade x 2 [20 Second Respawn] Firebomb Grenade x 2 [45 Second Respawn] Regenorator x 2 [60 Second Respawn] Bubble Shield x 1 [30 Second Respawn] Now off to the goodies. Sorry, no action pics this time around. Best overview I could pull off. Yup, it has a ceiling. The back side room. Sniper Area. From one base out to another. Looking down the Firebomb Tunnel to the Sword Spawn. Geomerged, symmetrical bliss. I can see the Maulers from here! Made by IxI IChAoSI IxI Download Atrium
Shield doors in the middle of no where=bad. But it is also good because there is no camping nonsense. The map looks pretty solid and it looks like it took a little bit of time. Good job. But instead of shield doors maybe you should have tried some more barriers or something. 4/5
looks kool nice geomerging and interlocking that bridge area look really sloppy though nice astetics good floating weapons, but unnorigional the center piece is cool how do you get up to those windows though?
Nice! Nice! This is a possible feature because of the sword tunnel, one of the most creative ideas I have ever seen! You really paid attention to asthetics because you flipped the walls as seen in the sniper area. You did a wonderful job on the shield door system and the ceiling too? Downloading right now! 5/5!
I'm really digging this map it seems like a fun map that I'm going to download, so many angles so many ways to kill everyone else, bound to make game night more interesting thanks Bonus points for making it look really nice with the smooth and even merging and the plain look of it
Trust me, it provides cover from outside fire, but you really cant camp behind it. I have tested it and they are a huge necessity. But thanks, I take all suggestions. EDIT: There is a lift in the back side room area that takes you to the sniper room. And the bridge room does, but its smooth, trust me. I pay attention to that stuff.
i like this map its looks very great for a 2v2 just like you said i like how you get the snipe to float crooked (i could never do that) looks great i love the sword tunnel p.s. apparently my last post was considered spam so i decided to make this more involved post to make up for it
really good. i havent seen shield doors placed like that for a while. i also havent seen a map of this size with a roof for a while. originallity 3/3 gameplay ?/3 aesctetics 3/3 weapon list/pics 1/1 overall 7/10-10/10 but i cant try it now because my dl thing is full
wow... wow... wow... this is unbelievable. i must say, a great piece of work. one of the best ones i have seen in a long time. i think this may be featured. the sword tunnel is amazing. the whole map is great. It would be awesome for the 2 vs 2 face-off. queued for download! 5/5, download, +rep.
To be honest, i don't see what is so great about the sword tunnel. But the map as a whole is really great, good interlocking & geomerging. My only critique is that there seems to be alot of power weapons (mauler, sword, sniper, firebomb grenades) on this small of a map, i would elimate 1 of them, and lose 1 type of grenade, preferably firebomb in my opinion (plasmas bounce of sheild doors, firebombs don't [more exciting gameplay]) then this map would seem pretty balanced.
Not to be a downer but the name has already been taken by Wermidget and his map Atrium but no harm no foul
Yes, as you'll notice the map was made on the 24th of August, and I saw that and I was like, man... But oh well.