First sig with a C4d - UPDATED with new Versions ok, this is the first sig with a C4d i have made. Im not to satisfied with it, but i think its ok. Also, i can get rid of the wind effect, if it looks bad. V1 EDIT - Here are the two new versions V2 V3 V4 V5
your flow is going in the opposite direction as the sig....rotate is a magical tool you for the sig, the guy is totally a negative side from the c4d, and the c4d doesnt even look resized, yet looks completly copy pasted for you first c4d sig, ill give it a 1/5 (even though its in proportion to being your first) read some tuts on c4d's and post again, and im sure you will improve greatly!
I suggest that you remove the wind and use Gaussian blur on the C4D if that is available in your program.
The spartan doesn't fit well with the C4D, there are a load of white lines around the edges of him. The motion blur is a nice effect, but its all cropped off at the very right hand side of the sig, you need to extend the blur of cut off that bit. Text is nice. As for the C4D, you should make multiple layers of it, mix it up, and one over the top of the spartan with a filter/layer effect this would make him blend more into the sig.
ok, i noticed the C4d isnt flowing the right way, but as for the wind effect, it wasnt like that when i was in GIMP. It turned out weird when i put it on photobucket... EDIT - Also, the C4d WAS resized, it was really big when i first got it.
What?? That's completely stupid. And is now sigged. In my opinion it's too dark and unprofessional. Even if you weren't trying to give it a professional look, it looks like you tried and failed. The blur is too much, and you can't even really see it with how dark it is. It just makes it so that there's some weird blur. And the yellowish line things don't make for a great background. And the blank space between them that is pretty much the same color as Master Chief doesn't help much at all.
no offense but..........HID..........H........HIDE.......Hideious its makes me want to cry to blury and the render dosent match background at all.
Owned said it all... But anyway you should update this thread with a V.2. like now... It's been a while and you don't need to change too much to make it look good.
Hey, im almost done with two different and new versions. They look a lot better, and i took your guys advice. Ill edit my 1st post when im done.
V.2. and V.3. look much better but the BG doesn't work with the C4d... Black would be better... Good improvement though! =)
Hehe... U said *wink wink*!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Also a V.4. would be shaggadelic. Spoiler :Om nom nom nom nom!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
thanks! the newer versions of it look better because it flows and everything and i like the black and all, but it makes it look, a little odd, but i still like it best.