Because its an advanced product made to help more experted users. Please use proper grammar in the OP next time.
SOmething my friend tried (havent done it myself though so i know not much about) if u just like dl the trial version of cs3 extended and find some sort of video on youtube that has a tut for showing u how to get a fake serial # using lime or frost wire its completeley easy...(note: not promoting this at all in fact i highly reccemend not doing this) CROSSED IT OUT BECUZ I DONT EVEN THINK I SHOULDA GAVE PEOPLE THE IDEA
GImp is rather a nice program and gimp shop i hear is exactly set of like ps and very similiar so if anything and u dont want to spend money get that.
I was gunna ask the same thing. I saw Photoshop Elements 6 for £50 (87.7455 dollars) is this any differant? Or worth it? Cos its like £450 cheaper lol
Older versions of photoshop are fine. I use Photoshop Elements 4 and it works perfectly fine if you look st my sigs. This is unethical but if you want free computer programs, music etc, then go to . You can make an account and download just about anything free. No viruses, very reliable. Forget limewire.
Elements isn't nearly as good as PhotoShop and is lacking many of the best features. If you are really serious about sig making get PS but if it's just a fad go for gimp. It has quite a few of the features and is free.