Jester's Human Survival GuideHello, my name is Jester, and today I am responding to popular demand and posting a human survival guide for the popular game of infection. Everyone likes to start as a human in a game of infection. Why? Because you get to kill zombies, that's why! But in my career as a zombie-pwning-survior, I have seen people do some pretty stupid things that get them infected. I'm here to edducate those fools and give the rest of you a refresher on the basics of infection. Advantages As a human survivor, you have the single greatest advantage in the game: you are able to use weapons. Furthermore, you have the ability to kill the zombies before they can get in range of you. THIS IS KEY, and I often see people disregard it. The single most important rule in infection for humans is:KEEP AWAY FROM THE ZOMBIES!As simple as this rule may be, many people choose to disregard it and end up getting killed. For example, here are a few things that violate rule #1 and usually end in death and semi-rebirth: Zombie hunting- your job is to survive, not to kill zombies. Killing zombies is neccessary to survive, but not your main objective. Therefore, going and looking for zombies to kill is not a very good stratagy. Infection is not competative, the score doesn't matter. In most cases, the hunter will become the ex-hunted, now dead. Spawn camping- not only is it unsportsmanlike and annoying; it's extremely stupid too. Ever hotshot with a shotgun thinks he can survive 10 zombies at reality he can't handle 2 or even 1 smart zombie. Spawn camping doesn't just give the camper more zombies to kill, it also gives zombies a much easier time of killing that idiot who is busy teabagging a zombie while 3 more assassinate him from behind. Weapon Choice Here's the part of this guide where I point out the idiots who think Infection is just like Slayer. People like this usualy kill their first zombie, see its sword drop, and go "OMG SWORD IMA GONNA PWN ZOMBIES LIEK IN SLAYAH!" And then they go and spar with a zombie and lose and die. Well, lucky for them, now they get to spawn with a sword! Weapons are very important for humans; after all, its the only advantage you've got. The priority here is long range weapons. Short range guns are nice backups, but put you in range of hungry zombies. Here is my personal ranking of weapons often found in infection in order of usefulness: Battle Rifle- Hands down the best anti-zombie weapon. Combine its high rate of fire, medium range, and extreme accuracy and you've got a fine-tuned killing machine. Shotgun- Excellent for close quarters. Being able to shoot while reloading is a great asset. Slower rate of fire can be problematic. SMG- Short to medium range, and a hell of a lot of bullets mean that approaching zombies die right as they enter lunge range. Assault Rifle- Basic point and shoot. Kills most of the time. Not very original though. Pistol- The headshot machine! Great for taking out pesky zombies at medium to long range. Just don't miss... Flamethrower- Very powerful, but very slow. You can't turn as fast, can't run as fast, and bullets are faster than flames. Good in a closed space, but otherwise leave it. Rocket Launcher- Big damage, but low ammo and long reload times make this a less than stellar choice. Looks cool though. Sniper Rifle- You may be the no-scope god, but only 4 shots means that you'll soon find yourself to be quite mortal. Gravity Hammer- Hell, you might get lucky. But odds are you won't. Energy Sword- Don't touch it; don't use it. COMPLETELY eliminates any advantage you have over zombies and puts you on even footing with them. You're better off throwing your shoe. (only exception is if objects need to be moved; then go nuts!) Work together Two pairs of eyes are better than one, and two guns are much better than one! Use teamwork, stick together, and cover your back. You might just make it out alive. Common senario: Guy 1- "I'm gonna go grab that last one's sword, go spawn camp and PWN LIEK IN SLAYAH!!" Me- "Fine, be an idiot. I'm gonna stay here with Guy 2 and my battle rifle." Guy 1- "HAHA! n00bz youll see im right when i get MOAR POINTS THAN JOOO!" Zombie falls through roof and starts to eat Guy 1. Zombie- "Nomnomnom?" Me- "No, thanks, I'm on the South Beach. But you go right ahead." -Jester LS
Not to be mean but the people that act stupid in the game are acting like that because either they want to get kill or they are just having fun trying to stay alive near the zombie so no one really needs this. Also we don't need this because we play it in custom games for fun. This would only be needed if infection were a stratigie game.
I was sensing a strong amount of sarcasm along with some actually useful information from his post. Also, have you ever heard of a hyperbole? Your guide was very good, with some humor, so I give your paper an A+. However, I like hunting the zombies since I bore easily, but it's usually what leads to my killings sprees and then the faithful death from all sides (shortly after). They quickly learn which direction you fire most often, and how much ammo you have left..... Stupid smart zombies.