Electric Slide Created By Cosmic Rick Gametypes Supported: Faceoff Slayer, Faceoff KotH and Faceoff 2-Flag Recommended Players: 4 2v2 Faceoff. Round 4. Hopefully you didn't get too comfortable on Yukon Canyon, because things are going to be a little more claustrophobic in Round 4. While the first two maps tested your high-ground-control and BR-wielding skills respectively, your best friend on Electric Slide is the trusty frag grenade. Make sure you're caught up with your trigonometry homework, because a knowledge of the many grenade-bouncing angles available on this map will give you a huge advantage, particularly in the King of the Hill gametype. The diagram HERE will give you a brief overview of important bounce angles. The mauler and regenerator will allow you hold down certain areas, while the trip mine and sniper rifle will help you clear out a hunkered-down opponent. The central 'geodesic jewel' and the constantly sliding 'danger-meter' in the basement add some visual flair to the map. Just don't spend too much time checking them out or you're certain to catch some shrapnel in the back. Keep an eye on your opponents, let your grenades do the sneaking, and fight it out for your spot on the next tier of the 2v2 Faceoff! Download Electric Slide Download Faceoff Slayer Download Faceoff KotH Download Faceoff 2-Flag
looks really good, especially the dome in the center. You can throw nades through the gaps can't you? I would really like to see more pictures, or is this it?
Woah Woah Woah where did Round 3 go? Anyway I love the map, especially the ability to shoot down from the top level. The aesthetics are brilliant, I'm sure the gameplay is too. What can I say Cosmic Rick you've done it again.
Angles This map has a very unique look. The center dome is awesome. I like the prospect of figuring out the best grenade bouncing possibilities(so many angled walls). The partner that I signed up with for the tournament has ditched me for the moment. Hopefully, I will get him back so we can win in the loser's bracket and get to play in competition on this map. If not I will still download and enjoy. Thanks!
Round 3 is this week (8th-15th) and Yukon Canyon is still the map used, only the losers bracket are playing round 3 though, so all you winners bracket teams get a week off until round 4.
First off i'd like to say good luck to everyone who got this far, even if i didnt compete the map itself looks great and the "danger-meter" concept sounds very interesting. I might give a DL just to see what that is lol
Heatsink was started a while back, it just took Cosmic some time to perfect it. He took a small break in the middle of Heatsink to forge the beauty you see here before you. This map is so in tune with my playing style its ridiculous. Great job, Cosmic. If you're a grenade spamming ***** like me, you'll love this map. Brilliantly forged, and plays like a dream.
I would love to know what the "danger meter is"... too bad I'm not on the box. Great job on this one Rick
Where round 2? I'm so lost...I thought I dropped out, but than I forgot I was probably scheduled for a losers game...man im confused.
cosmic, I love all your maps, so I'm deffinately downloading this, all your maps are inventive and have some unique structures, so im sure this will be great, seeing as it looks great
man, This map looks pretty sweet i hope my nading skills are up to scratch! hahaha or i guess more to the point i hope our next game on Yukon is up to scratch so we get to play this master piece
This looks like a really good map for the 2v2 faceoff. Yukon canyon was Ok, but this looks way better.
Thanks, guys. Oh, and be sure to have a look at that diagram before your round 4 games next week, though. You'll need it if you want to stand a chance against the grenade whores out there. Enjoy the latest mapzor.
hey cosmic congrats on the feature. It was a great map and played really well. its asthetics go without saying though!
When were we supposed to paly on Yukon Canyon? I mean, I have the map, but nobody said anything about a Round 2, and my team won Round 1. This NEEDS to be cleared out.
Wonder what this danger meter is. I'm not in the tourney but ill have a download anyway. After Pallet Parade i realized any map by you is one that has a cozy spot on my hard drive
oh yes im a top 15 poster... nice work like how nades r key... basement layout wasnt too clear... like the asstetics... AHMAZING description
You're responsible for checking your own matches. 2nd round was to be played last week. If you missed it, then you forfeited the match. This week, the losers bracket is playing Yukon Canyon a second time. Winner's bracket gets a week off, they don't play any matches this week. Week 4 (next week) will be featuring Electric Slide as the tournament map. And finally, Electric slide will be played again for the loser's bracket during week 5. Starting to notice a pattern....? I hope so. If you're in the loser's bracket, you play a map twice. If you're in the winner's bracket, you only play a new map once. The winner's bracket plays half the matches, so its in your best interest to not loose.
Looks like a completely different map than Yukon. I like how its like urban, yet larger. I can see you guys put weeks of effort into creating this to be perfect. Nice Job