To Orangeremi for outstanding achievement in both being awesomely orange and just making me laugh in general. Without further ado I present to you It is my belief that the devs should award orange with this custom title, in honoration of his unique citrisness. Sadly I dount this will happen so I'll just live with making it =]
Thats not fair. Ferretness put alot of work into this. Orange. You should go on the shoutbox and ask. Betawaffle is watching it.
I have one phrase to describe you mr. ferret... two words, 1 syllable a piece SARGE'S PHRASE!!! Starts with an "S" Ends with a "P" Has the letters "uck" space "u" in the middle if you figure it out you get nothing! yay!
nay sir... I am not... plus I could just ask TDF... although I'd probably havta finish the FH song immediately...
I was just kidding. But common whats cooler than the nutrition and fiber of an Orange?!?!?! what i ask you?
orange juice anywho, he told me that Orangeremi meant the color orange not the fruit... although remi is quite fruity if ya know what I mean ::wink wink::
Ahh yes! thats my favorite pokemon. Why? because it looks like a Ferret =] I screwed your mo------nvm....
I was just kidding. But common whats cooler than the nutrition and fiber of an Orange?!?!?! what i ask you?
SHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!! There, now stop complaining. (yours doesnt have the love and care that oranges has -.v)