The leg is lost in the white too much... Also the BG is kinda boring cuz it looks like u just brushed on some red and black. The glare on the sword looks good but thats the only thing about this sig that I like.
Says the one with a fail of a sig. I personally think it's great Reaper. Very nice indeed =D I'd use for sure =]
The background i think needs a little extra. Its too plain. Add some cool effects maybe some more red or something and then i'll think its pretty cool actually.
Its got great lighting. Smudging is perfect. Oh and Reyn says its great. So it's obviously great. Nice job.
It really doesn't need any more, if you add more it will look stupid. Simplicity at its finest. Stop while you're ahead. Honestly, I like how the sides are very basic, increases focus to the render and it kinda looks like it's smoke falling from the render. =D
i would blur the left side of it a bit or smudge it slightly, it stands out to much, though dont smudge to much.