Halo 3 Mythic - Assembly Possibly A Campaign Expansion Too?

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Reynbow, Sep 7, 2008.

  1. Reynbow

    Reynbow Ancient
    Banned Senior Member

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    First Line: ____
    Second Line: System Games ?
    Third Line: ____
    Fourth Line: Theater

    Start: Settings

    Any ideas... Lol?

    BASED GOD Ancient

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    Forge is the third, I think the first may be intentionally blocked out.
  3. Reynbow

    Reynbow Ancient
    Banned Senior Member

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    Looks right to me, I'm still a bit iffy about the second. I guess we'll find out eventually.
  4. Fbu

    Fbu Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Can I move this to Halo? Sure anything goes here but it'd be better off there.

    First one looks like campaign.
  5. Frag Man

    Frag Man Ancient
    Senior Member

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    No, it's just a map-pack CD from my knowledge. The story is going to continue in the next halo game being made.

    I have information to back this up too.
  6. Nemihara

    Nemihara Ancient
    Senior Member

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    If you look closely, the Xbox at the bottom is not a normal 360. It has a thing stuck on top of where the HDD should usually be. This is the Dev Unit.

    It's confirmed that there are no Campaign Options on the main menu.

    Basically, it's running a promo disc. This means that they've included their gameplay updates and have removed all the other maps from the game except for the Mythic pack. Also, they have removed the Campaign and Match Making option.

    The option at the top continues to confuse me.

    But from what I can see, the list looks like this:

    2. Custom Games
    3. Forge
    4. Theater
    5. (Below Theater) Settings
  7. Scopulus

    Scopulus Ancient
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    If they brought back the level high charity back from halo 2 campaign? I'd freaking crap my pants.
  8. Reynbow

    Reynbow Ancient
    Banned Senior Member

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    Go right ahead. I just saw a mod say that all 'news articles' should be in Off Topic not General Chat or the likes.
    This is what happens when people copy me. Sons of bitches, eh I'll keep doing my thing then.

    You're a dumbass, you know that right? Moron...

    Oh I have information to back this up too, dickhead =D
  9. RadiantRain

    RadiantRain Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Not everyday, a thread get's moved from the off-topic... This is breaking history!
  10. Frag Man

    Frag Man Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Well I can prove myself right, how about you prove me wrong?
  11. EGP

    EGP Ancient
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    Ya , I dont think its system games, I do believe its custom games.
    But I still do believe they can just add on to the campaign because Master Chief is supposly lost.
  12. Reynbow

    Reynbow Ancient
    Banned Senior Member

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    I'm not trying to prove you wrong. The data you presented with your backup of 'I know I'm right, I haz sources' was just obvious common knowledge. I was trying to let you know of how much of a moron your statement was.

    It was like saying 'air is real, I'm right because I have sources the tell it's true'. See how that statement is just stupid. Of 'course air is ****ing real.

    Understand now? Dumbass.
  13. Nemihara

    Nemihara Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Said missions could possibly be between levels of the game. For an example, between Sierra 117 and Crow's Nest, maybe the Pelican got shot down or something. Or between the Ark and the Covenant, or something.

    These are just possibilities, if there were campaign missions added on. However, no where on the promo disc menu did it say anything about Campaign.
  14. Reynbow

    Reynbow Ancient
    Banned Senior Member

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    Because it was a promo disc?
    They said they removed everything to do with campaign on the copy of Halo that they had there, showing just the new maps. It didn't even have the old maps on it.
  15. Frag Man

    Frag Man Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I knew you would do this, I just knew you were going to do this.

    I like you, your funny. And you really have a strict attitude, and your hate towards your enemies is overwhelming! That's really immature..., BUT I'm only talking to myself.

    So, if something is wrong you have to make a big deal out of it? What's the point in that? Do you have to tell someone they're stupid? That doesn't do anything for you.

    The reason I posted that, is because if I left that out I would have little people spamming me, and then hate mail. If I left that in people would be more rational, and post what you post. I can deal with that much easier.

    So, what do you think. I think you got mad at me for my intelligence, and the fact that you hate me already. I guess those two combined really aroused hatred for me. Wow, you just told me a lot about yourself.
  16. NymBomer

    NymBomer Ancient
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    My hopes for the maybe/possible/plausible/hopefully extra campaign levels is for some more background on the 2 Elites you play as if you are player 3 or 4. Bungie said that they had their own back stories but never told us what they were.
  17. Reynbow

    Reynbow Ancient
    Banned Senior Member

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    You know that whole 'ass' 'assumption' saying?
    You just did it.

    I tell you you're stupid on a public forum to inform everyone. It also makes me feel better knowing that I'm not quite as stupid as you.

    I didn't get mad at you for your intelligence, that's quite egotistical of you to think. And oh so stereotypically Christian of you. Oh right, that last thing is partially why I think you're a delusional moron. But don't start something out of that.

    Oh and others don't like you, clearly I'm a sheep.

    BASED GOD Ancient

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    The irony, is astounding.

    On-topic, I really do hope that there will be an expansion to singleplayer, I felt disappointed after Halo 2's campaign. To me, it just didn't feel like you're fighting aliens, just sponges that miss you.

    Here's an epic idea for you: In between Cortana and Halo, you come across a strange (large) asteroid, you spot what looks like a Covenant base; you land.

    You and the Arbiter emerge from the ship confused and inquisitive. You walk up to the base and are ambushed. Sounds like a normal level right? Wrong.

    This level could be using the low gravity settings that are in customs, you'd be jumping around and so would your enemies. Opinions?
  19. Frag Man

    Frag Man Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Oh no, I'm NOT stereotypical. I hope you find that out yourself one day, but I guess it's going to take someone other than me to convince you. I assume a lot, and usually I'm right. Correct me if I'm wrong this time around.

    No, you didn't post that to inform everyone. You just came up with that as an excuse. You already hated me, and so you wanted to dist me. Even if you were doing that to inform everyone, that's got to be the stupidest reason to post for that reason. That's like bragging you have a PS3, your really losing more than you getting.

    Oh yea, there's a big difference between thinking your smarter, than knowing you're smarter. I can't prove you wrong or right on that, because unless we were to compare grade scores, on the EXACT same school, in EVERY subject, we won't know who is really smarter.

    Everyone has enemies, even you do. My enemies happen to very blunt mannered like you too, and speak their mind too much. Therefore my enemies seem abundant. I'm betting that your enemies keep to themselves, and don't go on-and-on crying about how they hate that person.

    I don't even know why you hate me so much! I know why you do now, but had you not had any hatred for before, we wouldn't be going through this! What did I even do before this, that affected you SO badly, that you have to make huge deal out of it. And you didn't even respond all the way to my last quote, you changed the subject, and either tried to maneuver your way around it, or feel like insulting me some more.

    Oh and hey, is there a word in you vocabulary that isn't an explicit word? My gosh you overuse them too much.

    Any how, sorry for the trouble I caused you, I'm usually not this angry. I got angry because so many people could not prove me wrong, so they decide that they should insult me to make themselves feel better. So many things kept piling onto me.

    Finally, yes it was egotistical of me to brag about my intelligence, even when I can't prove myself to be smarter than some people. Sorry.

    Well anyhow, sorry for making you hate me so much.
  20. Duckyz

    Duckyz Ancient
    Senior Member

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    frag man.... reynbow

    whats with all the fighting cant be all just get along

    answer from both NO

    it could be a dlc and it could be a disc i really don't know and only a few bungie staff know so don't say i have sources because all of them re on hunches

    logically i believe that it will be a disc if it has what they say it has it will be too big for a dlc and to cheap in bungies eyes

    P.S. frag man be the bigger man

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