Working on my next map and was wondering something, there are LOTS of foundry maps... i mean LOTS... would you guys be more likley to get interested into a non-foundry map or a foundry map?
foundrys just been overused. i actually look for maps made on some of the older ones again because people have to be more inventive. Rats nest really needs a good going over because theres hardly any on that.
I am interested in unique maps, it doesn't matter what which map. But for the most part, you can just do more on foundry than other maps, so it is used more. I wouldn't download a map simply because because it isn't on foundry.
I agree with Kapura, why would you not downloading a map just because it is on foundry? Allot of maps are on Foundry, because right now, Foundry is one of the best forging tools we have. Not getting a map just because it is on Foundry, is like not buying a panting because the artist used canvas instead of notebook paper. Get what I'm saying? :squirrel_eyebrow: :squirrel_eyebrow: ~mackmack5
lol well I didn't mean you dont download foundry maps, what i mean is your getting tired of seeing foundry maps and a different map would be refreshing!
Eh, im used to Foundry now. Other maps besides Standoff and Rats Nest don't have "Walls, large boxes, or bridges" that stay immoveable during gameplay. it annoyed me back before the DLC when every one in your created map would try and get out...
Make you map with whatever map you think will make it the best. Most ideas are best on Foundry, but some are better on other maps (usually Last Resort, Standoff, or Rat's Nest). Now that's Foundry is available you should only not use it if you can make a better map without it.
It kind of depends on the resources you need in order to make the map and which provides the best enviorment to fit your map. I voted for a non-Foundry map though, because I havn't seen a good one in a while.
if you are making a cool min game map or maybe some statue of chuck norris use foundry , but if you are making a slayer of objective map do something other than foundry There is also a lot of people who dont have the new maps (losers) and almost every link they click they see a map they cant use :squirrel_grouphug:
Good non-foundry maps: (off the top of my head) The Cellars Last Level Convoy Ambush Perilous (shameless self promo ftw!) Cliffhanger umm... theres more but i could only think of those
Well, it was made for Forge. If you can make a map good enough, it doesn't matter what level you do it on.
Foundry maps. Foundry is awesome. Also I want to see how people have made maps in Foundry that others haven't. Also, if it isn't in Foundry or Last Resort, it proberly isn't very good.