Sewage Lines

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by Camoflaug, Sep 7, 2008.

  1. Camoflaug

    Camoflaug Ancient
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    Sewage Lines

    Created By: Camoflaug

    Sewage lines is the "Redux" to my map Sewage Line. I re-built the entire map, this isn't a v2. Its a brand new map. There is a lot more new things on it, it has improved immensely.

    Recommended Players: 2-4 Players

    Supported Game types: KOTH, Odd Ball, Team Slayer, Slayer, CTF.

    In a nut shell, my map is a small symmetric map that was designed from my former map. It is a lot better now and plays great. It is recommended that you use 2-4 players on it.

    As I said before, its a small symmetric map. Its packs a ton of game play. All objects on the map are neatly set down. It has Geo-merges at the most difficult angles. The map has two levels to it. There is the high ground witch sits above the lower ground of coarse. From it, you can drop down the the bottom ground. Ironically, the bottom floor uses the sniper rifle while the top uses the shot gun.

    Weapons and Equipment:
    Battle Rifle(10) }
    Plasma Rifle(2) }30 second respawn
    Plasma Pistol(1) }
    Shotgun(1) no spare clips 150 respawn
    Sniper(1) one spare clip 150 respawn
    Grav-Lift(1) 45 second respawn
    Frag Nades(4)
    plasma nades(6)

    Game play:
    Along with the beautiful aesthetics you are going to get great game play with this map. It plays almost like a MLG map. It has you jumping from ledge to ledge, constantly tapping your trigger to pop off the BR shots. The map works with Oddball, Slayer, Team Slayer, CTF and KOTH. Sewage lines is fast paced and will always keep you on your toes. strategy on sewage lines is much present, you can dominate the bottom and take close quarters. and hope not to be detroyed by the grendades from above or take post at the top were you have the advantage of high ground. Sewage lines gives varieties of play styles depending on the players.And a game on this map is sure not to disapoint.


    I am confident and positive that the map is unbreakable. I have not found a way out on it. It hits the level barrier so I'm sure its un-breakable. Not even those crafty bastards out there won't be breaking this map. We tested the spawns on this a lot to, they seemed to hold up fine.

    I would like to thank Bl00D F1R3 for help with the map. Thanks Sean :)

















    This write up was written by Bl00D F1R3 XD
    #1 Camoflaug, Sep 7, 2008
    Last edited: Oct 8, 2008
  2. mastersync23

    mastersync23 Ancient
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    Man, congrats on another beautiful map. Gameplay, aesthetics, it's all there. 5/5, for sheer awesomeness (Real word? I think not) Anyway, sweet map man. Nice geomerging as well. This map just radiates time and nurturing, and it was all from scratch! Great map man, nice job. Also, I would download now, but I have my download list full, and I am at school right now :p, so don't think I don't appreciate the map.
  3. macpatterson

    macpatterson Ancient
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    wow. VERY nice. The interlocking seems smooth, and I see a few features that set it apart. I like the 4 way hole things, and the emphasis on vertical game play while retaining the openness. I also like the arched bridges that people walk under. and the stairs under the bridges for aesthetics. I will try to come back tomorrow with a gameplay review. but for now 8/10
  4. Mr Pokephile

    Mr Pokephile Forge Labs
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Riley as I have told you several times, this is a immense improvement from the last sewage line. The map layout is great and as is the game play. I'm interested in making a detailed review on this. with a structure.

    Also at anyone who thinks he copied the roofing on reflex, leave now. He didn't copy it. Reflex's roof uses this, he manged to incorporate it into game play. and added on to it. so don't even bother to bring that up.

    The map was alot of fun to play on, especially infection ;) so yeah, like I said. A better review and a video tomorrow. No as its excatly 12 am, i need to start my homework. Happy Monday!

    JASONYO Ancient
    Senior Member

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    omg this looks like one hell of a map. im gonna dl and give u some feedback. but please PM and annoy the **** out of me so i remember.

    and i bet this gets featured in 3 weeks. if im right i deserve serial rep
  6. Mastar

    Mastar Ancient
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    Dude... amazing.

    This reminds me alot of its predecessor in a few couple ways. But its a completely different map, Sewage line was more enclosed and close combat.. where as with Sewage Lines, you've opened up the play and feel of the map really nicely.

    I love the four squares part that you can drop down through, it looks really cool.

    Very clean forging and such.

    You have done an excellent job, my avatar aproves of this map. Definately worth the DL
  7. V3SPH

    V3SPH Ancient
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    Yes this map does look really good. The map is beautiful ascetically! Game play looks really nice, and fun. I think it deserves a 5/5 =D

    Just like the guy above me, i love the 4 Squares =D
  8. RaBBiiTTT

    RaBBiiTTT Ancient
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    Great map. Ive never seen something like this before. The bridges forming squares looks really awesome. Good job and make more!
  9. Iv0rY Snak3

    Iv0rY Snak3 Ancient
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    First, I have to say that the aesthetics are amazing, and there are some extremely unique designs such as the criss-crossed floor that I really like.
    I've taken a forgethrough on the map and there has only been one thing that really stood out as a possible problem, and that is the lack of ramps from the default floor up to the walkways. If you were in a hot combat situation, and you were down in the pit area, and your opponent was on one of the walkways, you'd be pretty much screwed because you'd either have to fight them off from the ground (which, against good opponents is damn near impossible) or you'd have to turn away from the fight, and focus on jumping up onto one of the walls sticking out of the boxes, then up onto the boxes themselves, in which time you'd almost surely die. All I'm suggesting is that you add maybe one set of stairs, or a geomerged and interlocked wall, to allow for a smooth walk from the bottom area up onto the boxes. I'd suggest one on each side, but keep the two more central walls for when you have time to jump up.
    Mr Pokephile likes this.
  10. TNF

    TNF Ancient
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    Great, I'm glad you got this posted camo. This map is definately set up great for game play, but when we tested it, the spawns were pretty messed up. Hopefully you got those under control. I'll test out this version tonight and post a review on what I thought. 5/5 for aesthetics. And for Ivory, actually when you're on the ground it's pretty easy to get away, considering only about 1/3 of Foundry is used. But he is right about the lack of ramps. You CAN get away when you're on the bottom level, but you can't make it back to the top. If you had any extra stairs or ramps that'd be a good add in for a version two. Also, I noticed when playing that you have to crouch jump to make it to all of the parts of the second level of foundry. For people using toggle crouch, it's pretty much impossible. I'll try to get some people together tonight to test this version. Cya.
  11. Bottlecap

    Bottlecap Ancient
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    Dude you just stole the Relf.... naw just kidding. But whoa ho hoa. This map look s really frikin good. I can't say I've ever seen some of the ideas you've incorporated before. Those bridge ceiling/holes are much better than the one on Reflex because they actually have a purpose. And I see you have used teleporter art, which is always an added bonus. But the thing that I REALLY think is cool is the stairs/bridges put in between and under those arches, that is awesome. Well, I have this set for a download, so talk to you later.
    Mr Pokephile likes this.
  12. FreshCherry

    FreshCherry Ancient
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    This seems like it has okay gameplay, but I do like the clean interlocking. The bridge criss-cross thing is cool and good for campers.

    From what I read, you said that you had both a sniper and shotgun. Get rid of one of them. That or a gravity hammer would be a cool idea on this map since no one puts them on maps anymore.

    All in all, this map would get a 4/5 since it has okay gameplay, not so great weapons, but perfect interlocking.
  13. Camoflaug

    Camoflaug Ancient
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    im so glad someone brought this up i noticed this while in the making of the map and i added a grav lift and seriously that grav lift makes the most epic get aways in oddball. it seriously eliminates the problem ima put a weapn list soon.
  14. crazyzebu

    crazyzebu Ancient
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    Great map. I love the great interlocking with those bridges and the geomerging in the corner. Everything looks smooth and perfect and great gameplay too =-) You deserve a feature.
  15. Zombievillan

    Zombievillan Ancient
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    DUDE, I love this map. It actually makes you feel like your in a sewage plant or something. I see lots of cool ideas big and small. Even the little spot with the three window panels on the corner, little things like that I think can really make a map great. Not to mention the interlocking. Love the big Drain thing. I think I have seen something like that but it was a roof and you couldnt walk on it. 5/5 frome and I already downloaded.
  16. Mr Pokephile

    Mr Pokephile Forge Labs
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    Im sorry but you have no idea what so ever about what your talking about. A gravity hammer wold not work and why would he use it because no one uses them. There not used for a reason, and a sniper + shot gun works fine. We tested all this. Im sorry but your comment is just pointless and un thought out spam. sorry :/
  17. TNF

    TNF Ancient
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    O.K gameplay???? Actually, this is one of the first maps in a long time on forgehub, that I actually really enjoyed the game play, on while also drueling at the aesthetics. Camo is my friend, but when I saw this map I just thought he had gotten it from a pro forger and was showing t to us. Obviously camo has an amazing thought of how game play works, from all of his maps, and especially this one. Again I'll say 5/5, no bumps, this map is 100% sexy all around. And how would a shotgun affect the game play on a map like this... and add a gravity hammer, would that be less nooby? You obviously haven't tested this map, or even looked at it for more than two minutes...
  18. Zombievillan

    Zombievillan Ancient
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    I totally agree that the Hammer is lame and there is definatly nothing wrong with the shotty and sniper combo. This map is great and you shouldnt change anything. I cant wait for your next map.
  19. minato

    minato Ancient
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    You claim that even those "Crafty Bastards" won't find a way out. I will. Trust me. I have my ways. I will get out, make a video of it, and put it on my fileshare. I do have NO advice on how to make the map better, though. I have played on it, and it is beautiful. *Starts crying*
  20. Mace

    Mace Old Tyme
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    gameplay looks to wove in with care on this ma
    the interlocking is great the geomerging is awsome to
    whats the point of the tele node wrritting?
    i like the boxy dropdown ness to this map, and it seems to flow very well

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