After countless testing sessions, numerous edits, it's here. Thunder Base This map is supported for all gametypes except infection. Here is an alphebatized list: Assault: Neutral Bomb One Bomb Capture the Flag: It has its own special gametype. *see bottom of post* Juggernaut: Juggernaut King of the Hill: Team King Oddball: Team Oddball Slayer: Team Slayer Rockets Territories: Land Grab VIP: VIP Reccomended number of players: 8-12 Screenshots: With my awesome paint skills i have constructed a drawing of the map. Defenders Base Ramp: Attackers Base Ramp: Middle Battlefield: ACKSHIN SHOTS! Please rate/comment/download. Please. Thunder Base V4 Download Thunder CTF Download
Oh, I remember testing this with you. VERY HECTIC, but also very fun. I see this one supports a gametype now. Lol, good job. I think a few better pics of the map wouldn't hurt. Final score: 4/5
stfu, you can't judge a map by looking at it, and there is interlocking, and its neat, so just stop talking, cause you don't know what your talking about
I actually edited to 4/5, but it is still a good map. You cannot judge a map by the interlocking. Its a unique yet simple design with intense game play. No wonder you have such bad rep...
youve got to be kidding me, the interlocking isnt neat, in the pictures it shows spots that you can see gaps in the walls, just because most people think the map is sloppy doesnt mean you have to go and yell at every person that does
hey i thinka few pics that show some qualities of the map would really help the maps rep. ur pics right now only show action shots that dont give us a sense of the map. just letting u kno. idc if u change it or not. its fine with me oh ya and big somethin or other. u have the worst rep with monkeydeath. u with 2 bars and him with a whopping 4. just pointin that out
Wow, what a nice guy. I tested this map and it was definetely fun. It's awfully simple in design and concept, but the gameplay is superb. It's totally hectic and I often found every one fighting over the flag for up to 20 min. I really like territories on this map though. Territories is hard, but rewarding. 4/5 Good job Halostar, bigbucketbilbo might be a hater, but I'm not. Love, Zachary9990
Hey jackass, interlocking does not a good map make. Just from the pics this map looks a lot better than some others I've seen, Quite simple, and to be honest, often it's the more simple maps that are the most fun to play on. I'll give this a download and have a game on it at some point. Good job on using the default bases too, not many people do that these days.
well looks like it will support good games but it won't hurt to get a bet better locking in there just an idea for a v5 keep forging and if you try you be up there!
Dull, sloppy, and uninteresting. It doesn't seem like you put much work into this map. There is nothing unique or special about this. The interlocking is absent or messy and your layout is oversimplified. Clean up your interlocking, add some cool features, flip those bridges and take some better pictures. 2/5 you tried...
Too bad the dull stuff is made up for by the fun gameplay. Seriously, every person in the party said they liked it when i tested. Maybe you should give it a chance first?
I'm sorry, that was way too harsh. I shouldn't judge a book by its cover. Those were only my first impressions. I will download and play the map before I review. Maybe I will enjoy the gameplay...
pretty good map looks kinda smallish and campable with teleporters and shield doors get rid of the shildies and try to not use teleporters like that, have an alternate entrace or something also flip those bridges and interlcok a bit more
Ok, I had hopes for this map and was disappointed. Seriously WTF? This map is half finished at the most. No weapons on the map at all, The only respawns are either on the bridges/ramps or 4 others in the main room. Some nasty bumps in the floor making it annoying to move around on. Also you cannot get to the (Blue team?) base because it only has a sender node in the base and a receiver node at the bottom of that teams ramp. So they can't even get into their own base. Even if this is supposed to be a canvas map, it's not good enough. I like the concept, but you really need to do a lot more work on it and build some other paths into the map from the bases.
Nice, the objects were put out nicely, and interlocking was good. I did not like the teleporter, it seemed to make it only a one way, and someone could easily block it, and camp there. Nice job 3/5
I made like 6 more respawn points in the main room. The one teleporter is only a receiver because the map is asymmetrical, and there would be no use for it.