I am a huge fan of v1. It was fun and enjoyable to play, but I agree that it was sloppy. This version looks just as fun, if not even better for gameplay, plus it is well forged. The interlocking is very eye pleasing. 5/5 FTW!
CHEEZBOB'S RANT =D Lack of balance? Do you realize the amount op playtesting that went into this? If you didn't like the balance its probly cause you got your ass kicked. lack of invironment? WTF are you talking about? ITS A ****ING CASTLE! THAT is the environment! what the hell do you mean by environment? Do you want a built in mac donalds? A main street and gift shop? Why fall back? Because the orcs took over your ****ing front territories dumb ****! Are we Humans and Orcs, or Spartans and Elites? what the hell? the attackers are orcs, the defenders are humans and elves. (Except for Gimley) That should be obvious. The beam rifle doesn't throw off the LotR feel. you said they had a few crossbowmen. Well the defeders have like three ****ing snipers so they have way more crossbows. See? Three is BIGGER than One. Seriously WTF?
Crossbows are nothing like a sniper. Archers have a longer range than a crossbow. Yes I do want a gift shop. I got my ass kicked 3 times. And I kicked ass 3 times. The attackers won every match of the one-flag variant.
Looks really awesome. I remember spending a whole year in all that Lord of the Rings stuff (mainly because my teacher was a huge fan and he made us read all Tolkien's books...I bet he still makes his students read that). 5/5
this is by far the best helms deep remake ive ever seen cant wait to see wats next from you im for mt.doom or maybe minis tirith?
I'm waiting for bungie to release a bigger, outdoor variant of foundry before I make Minas Tirith. But if they don't release one I'll just make the first level of the city in foundry.
i downloaded this and this map is absolutely amazing! i did make some changes like making the ladder's and steps into the fortress spawn after 30 sec but thats my problem. 10/10 excellent work!
cool map, shame foundry isn't bigger, great job with limited space though. you should do a v2 on avalanche
woah. I am impressed, good enough to download, i can tell this must have taken a long time to make! interlocking looks smooth and geomerging is the same 8/10 i look forward to playing this!
I did think about avalanche, but I had already made a Helm's Deep in foundry so I knew it was guaranteed to turn out good. I am thinking about making a Minas Tirith map on avalanche though, but I'd prefer to build it on a giant outdoor canvas map in future map packs. I could include a banshee or two to act as the Nazgul =)