Hey all, this is my first post on the forums, and my first real map, as in, the first one I'm actually semi-proud of. It's not that great, but I thought I'd put it here anyway because it seemed alright to me. Please be honest about the critique and don't go easy on me please, I'd really like to improve. Story: The UNSC has been chasing the insurrectionist Japanese pirate ship, Dai-Furai. The ship has retreated into a small horseshoe-shaped canyon for cover while it re-fuels. The UNSC, at war with the Covenant, has decided to pull back their ships and send a group of commando Spartans to destroy the ship with a bomb. Dai-Furai the Swift: Gametype Details: Players spawn with an Assault Rifle and a Plasma Pistol. Weapons deal 90% normal damage. Custom Power Ups are around every vehicle, discouraging you to get out of them once you go in because your speed is 50% and the gravity is 150%. Bomb arm and defuse time are normal, but bomb respawn time is 60 seconds instead of 30. Armament (defenders) Two Carbines Two Plasma Cannons A "mortar" (Scorpion) Two Ghosts Two Banshees Spawn weapons A trip mine Tow Regenerators A deployable cover After 60 seconds: Two extra plasma cannons A Shotgun Two brute shots After 3 minutes: Spartan Laser Missile Pod Armament (Attackers) In addition to all the normal weapons on the map that are easily excessible, they also have: A warthog Two Hornets After 1 minute: Another Warthog A Chopper After 3 minutes: A Fuel Rod Gun Moveable Scorpion. There is also a "relief zone" that spawns halfway through the game. It's pretty much a mini-base with only one opening and a lot of cover. The map: Bungie.net : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing The Gametype: Bungie.net : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing
I didn't make the post to care for people who can't read. The fact that you wouldn't even click on the links because I didn't have pictures doesn't exactly show maturity.
canada's army, ur post is too short, so therefore, it's technically spam... i like the way this map looks. from the one pic that is. interesting storyline as well. it's just above average for the constuction of the map, but nonetheless it's a fairly good map. 4/5. and i will click BTW: well said but you do have one pic, so... he could have clicked.
Looks like a cool ship. Just a few questions: is there scenery on the map, how much of the ship can you actually go in, and what is the attacker's base. Anyways I like ship maps so I'll dl and check it out eventually...And I'll rate after testing. Edit: thanks for answering all of my questions. Still sounds like an excellent map, the ship looks great.
No "scenery" Besides the Ship and the "relief base" that spawns halfway through the game. You don't actually go "inside" the ship. There are two decks, a top deck and a lower deck. The lower deck is where you go to reach the plasma cannon placement, mortar, and the banshees. The upper deck is where the all the power weapons (besides Shotgun) spawn, and where the ghost spawns. The Attacker's base is the regular base on Avalanche. Thank you very much.
from what I can see it looks like an awesome ship. Ill have to play it to be able to give a real review of it...but one question, how is the scorpion held down? or can you drive it off the ship and steal the relief base?
looks great, reminds me of another ship map (falcon) but doesnt apear to be one-sided (difficulty wise)
The Scorpion is surrounded by shield doors, which it bounces off of. The only real way to get it off is to destroy it. The main gun itself can easily pelt the relief bases' only weapon, the turret, but the rest of the base is blocked off by walls and shield doors, so that's the extent of damage it can do to the relief base. I suppose if a gunner also was using the Scorpion, he could pin the people in the base down. The Relief Base can be taken by any team, but it only servers purpose to campers trying to trick the attackers, or the attackers themselves.