IMO, removed completely. All it does is get people in trouble. Sure, it's fun, but some of the things are just stupid. All those stupid forum games 'Flirt with the person above you', 'Say something to the person to your left', and **** like that is just un-needed. No offence to the creators of the thread.
Short, sweet, and to the point: it's off topic for a reason, leave it as is. If you don't like it, don't post there, you're not missing much by ignoring it.
Well, the description for the off topic forum is a bit misleading for its purpose. Perhaps that needs to be changed so people understand it's for whatever is on your mind, but not to go nuts in and spam your love for pie.
as if this forum needs any more retarded rules/more moderation... leave it as is, **** it, its not like the whole forum in general hasnt sucked since like March
lol i didnt know that i was just making a general guess cuz it was somewhere back in that time period
I don't think there should be a strict policing, but when people start putting a picture of a dog and some text that says like epic win or something and the whole page is filled with that. Then it should be monitored.
Zero Moderation. Deletion or moderation of the spam section will cause spam to come out of the wetworks.
Id say keep the board. But wipe it competly, start fresh. Add some no spaming, no double posting rules. Expect we keep the epic threads such as funny pictures and post you type of threads.
I think it's fine to just leave it. People will post **** no matter what, and the off-topic section is the perfect place for moderate spam. If it's removed, those spammy topics will go into General Chat and create more work. Of course, extreme spam doesn't belong, but there's a lot of topics that are fun to read in Off-Topic that would get locked in Gen Chat. Bottom Line - Leave it.