This is my screenshot Team so far its just me willing to take anyon interested in taking sick screenshots for a team : Bungie Online : Halo 3 File Share I See The Light or GOD??? Free Falling or Chiefs Last Jump
Yea, the second is on Narrows, you can see the playable area in the background. As to how he got there...
yup the guy i killed gied before going up lift and then thats just far away from guy so yeah its prety cool... i wanted to make him look like he was about to jump of cliff where waterfall is but the map kept getting in way so i say forget it this is fine
as u can see if u look in the background it looks like the map narrows is in the background which is where u are wrong go into narrows goto where bubble shiled is and look in background u will see another narrows
The second one is ok but the first one is better. I like the white background. The bright light also makes it look cool.