Test embed from the Onion. http://videos2.theonion.com/onion/onion_video/2008/01/24/CONCENTRIC_CIRCLES.flv
My gawsh. That is all. EDIT: My gosh, you have so many sigs of Haruhi that it's starting to scare me.
Lol, that was a pretty entertaining watch. For some reason, when I saw the title I thought it would be about the RRoD.
lolololol I'm on IE at school cuz its all my shool has because they're retarded. and I click the embed.... IE crashes :'D omg I miss firefox
Lol. Nice find. Are there any other onion news videos? Hey, I see some concentric circles and squigly lines near me. Gargal..sadflaoj. (Ten Days Later), I salvaged my computer and it was still on, the circles are attacking run for your lives!!!