
Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by MattDGiant, Sep 7, 2008.

  1. MattDGiant

    MattDGiant Ancient
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    Ok, so we all know that armories suck major ass.
    I hate them. You hate them. We all hate them.

    However, when it comes to Infection, thats generally the only way people ever incorporate weapons into their maps!

    What I mean is, its often really difficult to get a good weapon layout on an Infection map.

    In my experience, most Infection maps have either of the following layouts:

    1. Randomly scattered weapons
    2. Armories.

    Personally, I also have a hard time figuring out where to place my weapons in a zombie map.

    What do you guys think is the best way to place weapons in Infection games? If you can even post a link to a map that has that type of layout as an example that would be good too.

  2. Cookieking23

    Cookieking23 Ancient
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    Well, most of the time people make maps, players will find one place they can hide in, or a place where zombies can only get to them one way. I dislike this, and makes gameplay terrible for the zombies.

    So, when I place weapons on an infection map, I try to spread them as I would a normal weapon set. Put the clips low, and have it respawn faster to encourage coming out of those hiding spots. So basically, it is a random layout.
  3. MattDGiant

    MattDGiant Ancient
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    Thats generally what I do to, lol. Thanks for the good response.

    Oh, yea, I hate when that happens in infection. The camping thing, I mean.
  4. IPokeNinjas

    IPokeNinjas Ancient
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    I personally love the run and gun style of play, you can do it on cod4 if you use the honour rules properly, I would try to do it on halo but the lunging kinda stops my ideas from being foolproof and playable.

    If you still have CoD, try this:

    8-10 players.
    Humans - Pistols only.
    Zombies - Knives and Smokes only.
    No Air Support.
    Zombies Minuscule HP.

    The map itself stops people from camping and makes for fun hectic game play and nothings more satisfying than a headshot on a zombie who just tried to ninja you :D
  5. FirstXboxKid

    FirstXboxKid Ancient
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    i hate armories, because, there is usually only one area into them, and its a long hallway, and instant respawn. so they just sit there, sniping the zombies.

    this is a huge problem on "Titan" when playing infection. just go to the front of the ship, and wait for the beam rifles to respawn, and just sit there and snipe the zombies, i went on a 20+ spree doing that, its really unfair...and annoying... armories fail, you just sit there and camp. i usually just spread weapons out like normal weapons, and make them a regular respawn, and i make like one or two okay hiding spots, so its a little hard to kill the humans, but not impossible.
  6. Thorax tehGREAT

    Thorax tehGREAT Ancient
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    it depends on the game some are good with armories but if u have one make them spawn less ofter or not at all
    other wise i prefer random
  7. Oakly HiDef

    Oakly HiDef RivalMass
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    I think armories aren't always bad. In one of my best infection maps I used one:

    Holdout Requiem

    For the weapon layout I spread weapons out mostly and had them all on low ammo and no respawn. My armory is accesed through a trick door tht is actually a teleporter. When you go through you drop into a small room. If humans camp here they will be killed bacause the only weapons are snipers and assault rifles. A rocket launcher is present but it only has two shots which might end up killing you in the small space.

    -Try to void armories but if you have to use them then make them small
  8. Ryan. K.

    Ryan. K. Ancient
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    Put the weapons in Infection in CqC areas so it's hard for the humans to pick them up and easy for the Zombies to kill them.

    I think all of the Infection maps need to be CqC
  9. Catmon

    Catmon Ancient
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    It really depends on the location, the size, and the weapons.

    A few small chaches of weapons on a map are okay. That promotes movement around the map.
    A BR, a shotgun and an SMG per single cache is reasonable, especially with finite ammo. [You do run out]

    What isn't good is the maximum # of every weapon possible sitting at the end of a long corridor.
    Or rather, in any one-entrance building. That's just not fun, for anyone really.
  10. STEClash96

    STEClash96 Ancient
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    Here's what I'd do, (I also do it when I'm making infection maps sometimes, But I don't make infection maps anymore =[ ) I usually scatter them around in hidden areas and put the respawn rate for the main power weapons (Shotguns, Maulers,Snipers,Rockets,Fuel rods, Sometimes BR's and sentinel beam's, And many other weapons are considered power weapons too) I scatter tham around the map, And put most of their respawn rates either never or 180 seconds. (3 minutes) Thats what I usually do.
  11. TheDarkKnight05

    TheDarkKnight05 Ancient
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    I agree with cookieking. Infection games should just have a normal weapon layout, like in a normal competitive map. As far as armories go, terrible idea. The idea of a lot of powerful or semi powerful weapons just bugs me. In my opinion they need to be spread out and not in one room. And as far as randomly placed weapons go for infection, i hate that to. If you have a rocket launcher right by a sniper, that an example of bad and random choice and layout of weapons. So i will go with cookieking and say that a infection map should not have armories and just have a normal weapon layout.
  12. DRiSCOLL

    DRiSCOLL Ancient
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    armories are very bad but sometimes in infection they can work quite well, i know what allot of people are thinking"armories suck, period." but that isn't the case, it can make the game very unfair and not fun but the only time and place it should be is a the zombie spawn, so that people can kill a zombie grab a weapon and get out asap. Make sure the zombies are invincible for at least 5 seconds and the spawn time is 5 seconds so that it gives a chance for the humans.

    in my experience don't use armories even in the way i just explained, it sometimes works but the best placing for weapons would be to spread them out, this way it keeps the humans running around and less chance of camping.

    It depends on the type of map, but try all out of things out and change/delete/add if you feel its not stable there.
  13. Wraith

    Wraith Ancient
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    Well, isn't that the purpose of Infection? To perform a futile attempt to survive an onslaught of infected non-sentinal creatures with the sole purspose of consuming the electrical soup that is the brain?

    Camping, unfortunately, is part of the game. It will happen. There are some maps that have weapons spread out such as the weapons on MLG maps, and end up becoming campfests. To tell the truth, the powerful zombie is the balanced zombie. After all, most games start with more humans. If you are making a type of base for the humans to hold out in, give it multiple entrances, at least one from each side, so that the zombies have a better chance of infiltrating the human's base. Don't be scared to put a turret down either. Give the zombies a chance to come behind or above the turret.
    #13 Wraith, Sep 7, 2008
    Last edited: Sep 7, 2008

    OMFGDRPHL Ancient
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    Make simple mini games, such as a garbage can with 2 smgs on top. In foundry you can use small barrels on a ledge.
  15. stouf761

    stouf761 Ancient
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    i have a good method, but i haven't seen it used, and wont say it so that i have time to make the map (with about 1 hour per week to play xbox, i hate that part about my school, it keeps me busy from roughly 3:00pm sunday to 11:00pm saturday, then i gotz yardwork, housework, church, and TCU games) before its stolen.

    a good way is like mini-armories along a pathway.
    or heres a neat idea: zombies start with a random weapon, as well as like no ammo, but humans have unlimited ammo and weapon pickup. catch me drift?
    or try this for an infection map: Humans always spawn in one area, zombies in another, and the harder for humans/easier for zombies to get to a place and hold their ground, the better weapons that are around.
  16. crazeye0

    crazeye0 Ancient
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    I've made a couple of Infection maps, one of which I had an armoury. I've edited said map over the many edits i've done to perfect that map, and I've added what I feel like a lot more balance to the armoury, considering the zombies are weaker I made longer respawn times on more usefull items like Snipers and other rifles, and removed shotguns and added one which is harder to get to due to risk of instant death.

    The map took place on Construct btw, and is probably still going to undergo so much more change, especially if I ever post it here =/
  17. M.Jelleh

    M.Jelleh Ancient
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    Well some infection variants are set up so that you navigate a map while you fight off zombies, so you get to one area, then you can pick up a weapon there, then when you can progress, you can go there. As long as zombies can't pick up, you're fine.

    Personally I hate infection though.

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