
Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by Phreakie, Sep 3, 2008.

  1. Phreakie

    Phreakie Ancient
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    Clockworks V2


    Updated!!!: The V2 is up and running!!!
    Alright guys the V2 is finished the link is on the download section and ill keep v1 up there if you like that one better but i fixed the shotty spawns so that they are 1 clip only and the bumps are gone plus the ways to get out of the map have been sealed up. Equipment spawns are also moved around and there is now only 1 regenerator.

    Clockworks is my long awaited map that ive been working onn for over 2 weeks. This map is like my pride and joy and I think it may just be the best I've ever made. I really pulled out all the stops for this map. I had a friend of mine rig me up a youtube video for the map and i did some rigorous testing. Clockwork also has some very distinctive features: its sheer size, perfect spawn placement, and its wondrous Instance Switchbox. I really put a lot of my time and effort into this map and made it my number one priority to bring to you the best of my ability to forge and create these wondrous maps. I know this giant wall of text will probably bore the sh*t out of you but please, READ THE DAMN WALL OF TEXT!!! I hope you all enjoy playing on this map as much as I had fun making it.

    Weapon Spawns
    **Grenades are in Pairs**

    4 BR's/2/30/yes
    2 Carbines/2/45/yes
    2 Shotguns/1/90/yes
    2 Plasma Rifles/~/45/yes
    4 Spikers/1/45/yes
    2 Plasma Pistols/~/60/yes
    2 SMG's/1/30/yes
    1 Sniper Rifle/2/120/yes
    1 Fuel Rod Gun/1/180/no
    2 AR's/2/30/yes
    4 Plasma Grenades/~/10/yes
    4 Spike Grenades/~/10/yes
    2 Frag Grenades/~/10/yes
    1 Regenerator/~/90/yes
    1 Power Drain/~/90/yes
    1 Bubble Shield/~/90/yes
    1 Machine Gun Turret/~/150/yes *asymmetical*
    1 Active Camo/~/120/yes
    1 Overshield/~/120/yes

    Overview Screenshots

    This is an overview of the neutral areas and the attackers spawn in the distance

    Neutral Area of Power Drain Spawn

    Defender's Spawn Ladder to Sniper Catwalk in the Right

    Attacker's Spawn Turret is asymmetical

    Neutral area around the Switchbox, Lift Shoot, and SwitchGate

    Camo Spawn

    Neutral area and Overshields in the distance

    The Switchbox, destroy the Grav Lift to open the gate

    Closed Gate

    Open Gate

    Team Slayer Shots

    Stick From the Grave...
    Sick Plasma explosion near a regenerator
    Boom!!! Headshot!

    The Long Awaited Download Link...

    Clockworks V2

    OMGWTFBBQ???!! Video Link!!!??
    Video is courtesy of Kidbomber or Kid9Bomber
    Also another video that was made by squidhands (Gamevee Video so i cant emb it)

    Things to keep in mind while playing...

    -There is always a mad rush for the Camo and Overshields
    -The Switchbox is a thing to keep in mind, The gate always changes up the gameplay, especially in Multi Flag and Neutral Bomb.
    -Fuel Rod Does Not Spawn at start, so be ready for it.
    -There are Fusion Coils behind the sniper so a good grenade should do the trick.
    -The map works for Team Slayer, All Flag Gametypes, Neutral and One Bomb, Multi-Ball, and Conquest or Flag Rally.
    - There are a few minor glitches in the map like when walking above the gate you kinda "pop" up because of the switch. Its not very drastic though
    -Some points of Interlocking/Geo-Merging are slightly below average but not many.
    -Dont Forget to rate, Comment, and Download as you see fit
    -Refer it to your friends, I want this map famous!! :D
    -Reccomended amount of players would be 4v4 or maybe even 6v6 it may work if not then 5v5.
    -Have fun and try out all the gametypes if you can
    -Repburgerzzz are also appreciated XD

    Watch out for a Map Layout I will be creating soon
    #1 Phreakie, Sep 3, 2008
    Last edited: Sep 15, 2008
    Eyeless Sid and Bass Forger like this.
  2. TNF

    TNF Ancient
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    Looks sxy, nice interlocking, D/Led and now for the description. I'll come back and edit this post with a nice lil review in about an hour, if I can get a testing in. You're coming out with so many maps in one time, you must be a forge beast.

    Yay, finally a decent sized review on what I thought about the map, that you would care about. Skip to the next section for nicer comments on the map.

    My review on Clockworks, made by EGS Berserk. No offense meant thoughout the whole review, just pure suggestions and my opinions, which you might not find accurate. And yes, I did test the map, on FFA, Team Slayer, and CTF, which consisted of parties varying in 6 - 12 people.

    Here's the things I guess you'll find most important, my suggestions and Clockworks' problems.

    Problem 1: Getting outside the map was incredibly annoying. I didn't personally but the fusion coils and barrels allow for easy nade and shoot jumping to get outside the map. And from there, they're invisible, if you have some extra dumpsters maybe in those areas, mainly where the fusion coils spawn, add them.

    Problem 2: There were some bouncy areas in the map where it wasn't necessary. Such as the fusion coil spot, my favorite if you've noticed. The bridge and walls are off placed and there's a little flashing part of the bridge that indicates that. Try tweaking that up a little bit if you're looking for a feature.

    Problem 3: A lot of the jumps in the map were either hard or were impossible while using toggle crouch, which you cannot crouch jump with. Otherwise, there where a lot of ramps used which is good.

    Problem 4: The sniper tower. This kind of disappointed me :(, I'm not sure if it was meant to be this way but it makes it kind of an used part of the map. People were going there to grab the sniper but they weren't staying up there, I wondered why. Later in the game I went for the sniper and it seemed I'd have a good view of the room. What kind of kills the sniper tower is that you can only see about 10% of the room up there, the window panels are high enough, and when put on a higher elevated platform like the sniper tower, it's incredibly hard to see places near to under it or from a moderate distance away.

    Now, enough with the problems, of few of them were just my opinions, hopefully you won't get offended by any :p. I'll move on to the stuff that makes your map sound good.

    Layout: Clockwork's layout is amazing and unique. It makes me feel like really no other map on FH before. Instead of cover, a base, and some morphed single boxes, you had multiple levels, tons of walls to make the map have more cover, to allow more players, and to give it a less-foundry-like feeling. I was really interested with how this map looks, it had very clean geo merging and precise interlocking.

    Game Play: I suggest either FFA or Team slayer on Clockwork. It seemed to fit in the best. Mainly because I didn't really enjoy CTF on the map, it was too easy to make captures and the game just flew by on who could get flag captures the fastest. But slayer really hit the spot. This map is incredible for FFA, and team slayer involves a lot of skill, strategy, and holding positions to win. I highly suggest playing team slayer on this map, 3v3s are my favorite, but I think a 5v5 could even be supported fine. Good job on the slayer game play berserk.

    What I personally liked about the map: My favorites overall were the sliding door switch. The gravity lift run time max/min switch is great to use, and I noticed you also morphed the gravity lift into the double box so people would see it. The sliding dumpster door adding in a lot of spice to the game play by taking more strategy and using team work to get to the defender's base. I really liked that, because you don't see that as much in maps nowadays.

    Overall: I really liked this map apart from some of the listed problems, manly just getting out of the map, that really killed it. I'll give it a 4/5. A for sure 5/5 if it's possible for you to tweak with the map's problems. If you hit the item limit, which I didn't check if you did, then you can just ignore the suggestions on adding dumpsters, etc., but sometimes when you delete some grenades that aren't needed, you can end up completing one of those tasks. Thanks for the great map, hopefully this didn't offend you in anyway, it wasn't meant too :).
    #2 TNF, Sep 3, 2008
    Last edited: Sep 3, 2008
    BASED GOD and Eyeless Sid like this.
  3. Elkan Viel

    Elkan Viel Ancient
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    Wow this looks pretty good. I like how you used assymmetric options, they are really confusing to me. Nice interlocking, geomerging, and use of a switch. It looks really fun to play on! By the way, Turn on Goldbrick in the options at the bottom of the page when you make a new thread. It will embed it for you.
  4. Bass Forger

    Bass Forger Ancient
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    Qued, I love the bigger sorts of maps. I really can't see anything wrong with your map. In otherwords i do so believe it is flawless. To me it looks like a work of art. However i will have to test the gameplay. So many good maps lately i'm nearly running out of space. But i'll make room for this one. Once again spectacularly done and flawless. 5/5, DL, and + rep :)

    Keep Forging!

    P.S. Love how you went overboard with the geomerging :p

    QUINN HAS A GUN Ancient
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    Very nice map! The switch box and all that looks pretty SEXA! Although the bases look pretty basic the rest of the map makes up for it (and is probably also the reason for the small bases.) Great job!
  6. Phreakie

    Phreakie Ancient
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    Thanks for the great feedback guys but i still dont get how to emb the video I cant find the goldbrick options on the bottom of the page either so if you guys could maybe even walk me through this it'd be real great.
  7. Elkan Viel

    Elkan Viel Ancient
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    When you start a new thread there is an "Additional Options" box at the bottom. One thing says Goldbrick Media, and if you check it it will embed your video. I am not sure if you can do that when you edit a post, so it sucks if you can't change it when you are editing.
  8. Phreakie

    Phreakie Ancient
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    Redmonk im pretty sure that was spam try putting some more thought into your posts

    thanks for the good and the bad dont worry im really determined to making the map the best it could be so i will try to figure out a way to make this map unbreakable and i will definitely smooth out those bridges. I still cant really find the height of a wall compared to a bridge so thats going to be a challenge for me. The sniper point however i will not change because first of all, it adds atmosphere, second, its located where it is to keep people from coming in. not killing them when they already are within the vicinity of the flag. a v2 will be coming out as soon as this version can reach 25-50 DL's and you can count on that.
  9. ZANDER1994

    ZANDER1994 Ancient
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    Absolutely amazing. You have put out a lot of good maps so far. I have most of them qued for download. My xbox is broken though. If you keep forging like this, sooner or later you are going to have a feature. I love how you used those single boxes way up in the air. I really like bridges combined with tunnels and hallways that are suspended.
    Eyeless Sid likes this.
  10. TNF

    TNF Ancient
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    It's great you'll make a v2, this map has some serious potential. Make sure you message me when it comes out and I'll check it out. Yeah, I thought you meant for the sniper tower to be like that, it balances the defender base out so that it's not incredibly over powering. I didn't really think that response out as much as the others, it was just my friend's problem lol. BTW, 3 fencewalls equals the height of a wall. 3 bridges also equals the height of a wall. Just bringing that by, I'm sure if that what you meant. So it would be whatever and 2 fencewalls/bridges and then your bridge, and it'll meet up perfectly. I don't know If I've commented on any of your other maps but they're all amazing, honestly.
  11. TheDarkKnight05

    TheDarkKnight05 Ancient
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    looks like some great stuff right there. The interlocking looks good and the geomerging looks clean. There looks like a very big choice of weapons and the aesthetics looks great, like the sniper tower and the attackers spawn turret. The switchbox is looking good.
    I will download and will give you a full review. The review will consist of map creativity, map quality, weapon layout/choice, Gameplay, and overall map score.

    I will play a few rounds and get back to you as quickly as I can.
  12. Kidbomber

    Kidbomber Ancient
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    Well for the testing purposes(at the time) the map was amazing. Interlocking was fantastic, and The geo-Merging was very Sweet and made the map unique and fun to play. im not really "supa" pro on reviews *unless its somethng i realyyy know by heart :p*
    Was with you since the building stage on the Sniper Base side. when you showed the the switch i was shocked to see it in the map (Think i mentioned it and you may have taken my advise) Blah blah blah, The map worked nicely for the 4v4 we had.
    Oh and this work on the vid confusion?
  13. Phreakie

    Phreakie Ancient
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    thank you for your EPIC comment lol ive been gettin alot of Dl's on this map lately with great comments but someone rated the map a 1 on Bnet for no reason so i am kinda unhappy :D but anyway thanks for teh great comments zzzzzz
  14. JEEF

    JEEF Ancient
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    hey this map is amazing in the fact that there is a switch that controls gameplay, this map has a lot of ways to get out i consider that you make v 2's. there is annoying bump near shotgun. this map has good features and im looking forward to more posts
    TNF likes this.
  15. HydroZoid

    HydroZoid Ancient
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    its amazing how you found a way to incorperate a small extra into the map that slightly efects gameplay(the switch). also the switch looks so simple that it is probably something that works 98% of the time right? just a guess...

    i had four or five maps for my 7th bungie dl slot for some time while my xbox is grounded... but this definetly wins by ages of points.

    one thing i find as a very nice asthetic is the curved walls of single/double boxes.

    i just love those designs! i can never seem to fit it into a map of mine, because i never have enouph boxes... but awsome job! 4.5/5 because i also dislike the cant-look-down-at-people-that-are-too-close-too-the-sniper-tower glitch.
  16. Phreakie

    Phreakie Ancient
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    ya but it makes balanced gameplay because if i created a sniper tower for close-but-long-range scope it would give people a pretty much automatic headshot. another thing to watdch out for i will be making a V2 for the map by the end of this week so watch out for that.
  17. Pacific State7

    Pacific State7 Ancient
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    Berserk, you are my pal so i have to comment on your epic map. You've really outdone yourself here and I'm expecting this map to be your first feature. The interlocking on this map is very clean. I think you need to work on the shotty spawn by the attackers base though because it has kind of a bump when you walk into the open box so try cleaning up your interlocking and equipment spawns a little. Other than that, im expecting great things on this map and future maps. 4.8/5
  18. Phreakie

    Phreakie Ancient
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    Alright guys the V2 is finished the link is on the front page ill keep v1 up there if you like that one better but i fixed the shotty spawns so that they are 1 clip only and the bumps are gone plus the ways to get out of the map have been sealed up. Equipment spawns are also moved around and there is now only 1 regenerator.
  19. pootytang

    pootytang Ancient
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    I think that the map needs slightly a little more work the spawns are only working for team gametypes and maybe a V3 will even work. The map layout is made beutifully though. great job and after a V3 i expect a feature.
  20. Phreakie

    Phreakie Ancient
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    Well ya I still think that some things could be improved so i may actually come out with a V3. Not to toot my own horn, but this map is like my best ever. Its like mai baby. Rofl. Gimme more DL's and Repzzz they are super appreciated.

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