
Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by LieutenantAshler, Aug 13, 2008.


What is the best aspect of this map?

Poll closed Oct 24, 2008.
  1. Visual Appearance

  2. Gameplay

  3. Construction

  4. Other (Explain below)

Multiple votes are allowed.
  1. many popes

    many popes Ancient
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    Normally I hate square maps but the square-ness seems to work with this. I like the raised walls around edges (I never have the patients to do that) and it has many lines of sight like blackout. The only problem I can find is the badly geo-merged box on the 1st pic.

  2. H3C x Nevz

    H3C x Nevz Ancient
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    Personally, this is the first map that I've seen to actually capture the "urban," "buildings," "city" feeling. This map is the real deal guys, I gave it a testrun a couple days ago in Territories, and I was surprised at how the shotgun was very balanced. I expected it to dominate. Well done.
  3. Vivian

    Vivian Ancient
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    The layout looks very good. Not the best, but better than a lot I see. The geo-merging you did looks fine, not crooked or anything.

    It isn't the best ever, but it's good, and the post is good too.
    Based purely on the pictures, I'd give it a 4.5/5.

  4. Dynamic Echo

    Dynamic Echo Ancient
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    This map obviously had a lot of time put into it. The interlocking is very neat with only one bumpy area that could affect gameplay. (the sloped bridge providing a roof near to the lorries)The extra room near the mauler spawn made using the open double box is an interesting addition which provides vital cover to the otherwise realtively open side of the map. I like, in the main building, where a shield door has been placed inside the stairs, as it provides much-needed cover on that floor.

    I like the way the sniper rifle spawns work, though if no-one picks it up at the start due to inexperiance with the map they will receive more ammunition than you intended, but it is a minor thing. The more major issue I have is with the armoury in one of the bases. Having two SMGs and two plasma rifles together will give two people, probably on one team, an extremely effective combo. Combine this with the close proximity of a CQB area and you may have a problem. I would suggest removing one of each of the weapons and moving them out of the weapon holders so they are more easily seen. Further, near to that location is a mauler next to a shield door. This, when I played it, led to camping with the rest of the team holding the top. I would suggest moving the mauler to where the needler is, the needler to where the magnum is, and the magnum to where the mauler is. This means that the magnum might actually be used (it was hard to see where it was but the needler would not be) and that camping with the mauler is less immediately obvious and the player will probably head on towards the building directly ahead of them. The rest of the weapon placement I have no complaint with.

    All in all, a thoroughly enjoyable map which I have no doubt I will play again. With the highest regards, Dynamic Echo.
  5. LieutenantAshler

    Senior Member

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    WOW! Now That was helpful! Thank you for such a helpful post. Those ideas are definitely going to help Defense Base gameplay. You can expect to see some of those changes implemented in Version 2. I wanted to have the Plasma Rifles and SMGs in pairs, but you are right as pertains to their proximity. I will move the Mauler, Needler and Magnum, although camping the shield doors has never been a problem for me, I just bank Grenades around the sides of them, solves the problem quite nicely. Sniper placement is still plaguing me and I still don't know how to solve it. Thank You, Thank You, Thank You. This is by far the most helpful post I can remember recieving, EVER.

    If this is what people are saying about it now, I can't Wait to hear the feedback for V2. So far I've added a substantial amout of playspace, although the map is still best suited to 4 to 8 players. Note: V2 will not be up for a while.
    dented_drum likes this.
  6. dented_drum

    dented_drum Ancient
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    Ah, it has taken me a while to get to this. I must've had an over-flow of PMs and had to delete some or something, which called for me to delete Ashler's notification. Regardless, I'm here to check it out now.

    The pictures are nice. You show everything pretty well. Everything seems to line up and smooth out just fine. I like the main structure/city theme you have goin'. I'm only concerned on how fair Symmetrical Objective games are on it. For instance, it seems as if, in Multi-Flag, the team that spawns in the very complex city part would have an advantage due to the amount of cover. I can see you did plenty of playtesting, and nothing pleases me more than that. So, maybe you can constructively answer my question.

    Other than that, I'd like to note that I enjoyed reading your post. It was as professional as it was informative. I would rate, but I haven't had a chance to download it yet. So, I'll confirm what I do know, which is that this looks like one great map, bro. Thanks a lot.
  7. Mace

    Mace Old Tyme
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    the interlcoking looks great, the geomerging fantastic
    the map looks very fluid and smooth
    very urban feel to it, like in the halo 2 campaigns
    looks like it would own with infection if not assualt and slayer
    LieutenantAshler likes this.
  8. LieutenantAshler

    Senior Member

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    Version 2 is almost complete! I plan to release it in the not-to distant future, but I want to finish and publish a collaborative map first. Unfortunately, My forging partner of choice (The Winja) seems to be offline much to often to accomplish this. To Dented Drum, The map was never truly intended for symmetrical objective games, but V2 will be adressing that. The map has seen a substantial overhaul of both spawns and objective points.

    I actually just finished playtesting a 2 sided CTF game on V2. It plays infinitely better than it did in V1, but it will never compare to Slayer and Territories. Infection plays fairly well depending on the settings. I've seen games where the zombies prevailed in minutes, others where all but one or two humans survived. V2 is far more zombie friendly, however.
  9. pootytang

    pootytang Ancient
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    dude this map is sick!! I played a game of slayer on it and it worked beautifully although i do think that the spawns could use a little tweaking.
  10. TheXShadowXKing

    TheXShadowXKing Ancient
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    seems very nice but iv got to check it out to make sure
  11. Boyle06

    Boyle06 Ancient
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    looks nice interlocking is smooth looks like it would play well maybe add more to the roof of the building..

    i can tell u put a lot of design into this map and that worked on the layout....

    keep the maps coming
  12. crazyzebu

    crazyzebu Ancient
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    looks decent. I like the area around the needler. I'll dl!
  13. LieutenantAshler

    Senior Member

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    I kept the top of the office bare so that it wouldn't be overpowered.

    Version 2 has adressed several problems, spawns have been tweaked substantially, as have objective points, Weapon placement, Geometry cleanup and many other issues.
  14. RaBBiiTTT

    RaBBiiTTT Ancient
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    I really like urban and city style maps. But the only thing is, most of them suck. But now Hardpoint is different. Hardpoint is not like the other urban maps. This is one of the best city maps I have seen so far on forgehub. I look forward to playing this. P.S. I love the buildings.

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