Humanities Final Stand.

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Casual Maps' started by PRElyk, Apr 13, 2008.

  1. PRElyk

    PRElyk Ancient
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    MAP: Final Battle v2
    LOCATION: Foundry
    GAMETYPE: All default Infection games except Alpha Zombie. Put intial zombie count at 50%
    PLAYERS: 2-16

    Click to Download

    My first infection map, Final Battle, because Final Stand came up as Blam! It was featured on the last customs and creations show, but only in the shownotes. Plis when the episode was released, the map wasn't done. V2 fixes many glitches from the unreleased v1. Before your critisim comes, this map does not look pretty in some places, but it plays just fine. This map was originaly just an experiment with timers and amd interlocking objects. But evolved in to kick-butt infection map. The whole game evolves into a sort of mini campaign.

    1. The zombies start behind a wall they cannot pass. The humans start on an elevated platform on the other side of the wall.
    2. The humans get 2 machine guns, 4 grav lifts appear allowing the zombies to go over the wall.
    3. Fight.
    4. A airborne tunnel allows the players to exit this battle area to a new one with one turrent for the humans and lots of crates the zombies can use as cover. There is a floating teleporter in the air.
    5. A wall splits up the humans and zombies and stairs appear allowing the humans to reach the teleporter, later the zombies get stairs as well.
    6. The players race down the back hallways of Foundry to a large, "Fort Knox like" sructure.
    7. There are 2 pathways, one lead to the Final Stand platform high above the map, where the humans will get energy swords and will stay there to fight the zombies. Or they can go to a room with one machine gun where they can hold out. The choice is their's.


    Zombie Wall
    Zombie Jumping the Wall
    Shooting a Zombie from the Human Platform
    Airborne Tunnel
    The Second Battlefield
    Leaving Battlefiel Number Two
    Running Down the Back Hallway
    Entering "Fort Knox"
    To the Turrnet Room
    Turrent Room
    Final Stand
  2. Running Chron

    Running Chron Ancient
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    your right, the map does look a little sloppy. But it also looks like it could be fun, I'm not sure but it looks like there are some spots where the humans could just set up camp.. It looks like there is an awful lot distance between that first wall and the turrets where the humans spawn. But like I said it looks fun, you might just need more cover for the infected, and I would go back and check some of your spelling for your description, and maybe spice it up a little to make it more appealing... All in all good job!


  3. james 117

    james 117 Ancient
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    it looks like a REALLY good idea, but it seems pretty empty. again though i love ur idea ill give it a dl
    3/5 (but keep in mind i havent actually played it yet, based off of pics)
  4. Bobguy13

    Bobguy13 Ancient
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    The map looks simple. REALLY simple. REALLY, REALLY simple. and haven't we all tried something like this before? It's a good idea, just not a very...creative map. 3/5
  5. Ghost AE

    Ghost AE Ancient
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    Looks like a really good map. I think that the infected would need more cover and a little more aesthetics would be nice. I'll DL

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