Cadical v2 Created by The Alb1n0 Supported Gametypes: CTF, KOTH, and Slayer Map Description Cadical has an interesting layout that is unique. Cadical's gameplay is extremly good, in all gametypes. It has been forged even better now. I interlocked the fence wall bridges, you do not have to jump to get to the warhouse, and the structure have been modified. The geomerged boxes are now made so you can just walk into the boxes. Hopefully, I did better this time :] Youtube Link: Download Cadical v2 _________________________________________________ Base A Base B Warhouse A Base Add-on Overview Stationary Warthog Stin10 and The Alb1n0, The Blue Exterminators ZAXLAX and miketheman12, the Red Jumping Beans Action Pics Grenades are great FX's Stin10 haz teh snipe Foot Thrusters do work..... .... until they explode ________________________________________________________________ The Alb1n0, The Creator. If you missed the link at the top, here it is: Download Cadical v2 I would Like to thank these people for testing: miketheman12 ZAXLAX Snipersev07 Squigleydoodle GameyGAME Freak Harley72 Also I would like to give a special thanks to Stin10 for Helping me fix it up. Please leave comments and constructive critisim.
Question: Why waste all the extra money and space on a stationary warthog that can only use its chaingun when you can simply place a Turret in its place? Other than that, the map looks good. Interlocking looks pretty smooth as well.
I did it because 1. I have never seen it before and 2. Turrets can't rotate all the way around 3. Finally, It is the most powerful automatic gun in the game.
Nice map, good interlocking, good geomerging. The map design looks pretty cool and from the pictures I am sure the gameplay is sweet. I think he did that because you get more cover in the warthog and you can't take it out. It sounds better than a regular turret.
nice map i saw the v1 and i might have posted somthing o how to improve it. if i didnt then you did what i was thinking tho. 4/5 ll dl and delete the old version
version 1 was good but version 2 is even better the structures were pretty origional, and the gameplay was fantastic much better now that youve smothened it out and intarlocked everything much more grayz on an awsome map
Even though it looks kind of boxy, This could be good with a 3 v 3 match. Good job, I will come back with a review later. =] It's a 4/5 from me, Gameplay will give you a better result. EDIT The map is a bit sloppy in some area's. In one of the bases you just put fence walls on top of each other without interlocking them and then you decided to interlock and merge in some area's. BTW, The geo-Merging was sloppy in some area's too. A double box that was merged with the ground was VERY sloppy when I walked through it, And a mauler is considered a power weapon so Change the respawn rate something like 120 sec instead of leaving it at 30 secs.
eh, it looks very average, the interlocking is sloppy in places, boxes dont line up where it looks like they should, and the gameplay looks very average. it is pretty unique, and the fact that you geomerged is definitely a plus
why didn't you tell me you posted this, did you test it at all after that first game? still though, after the tips i gave him, i think this map is crazy fun to play on, it looks good, it plays good, its feature worthy, thats right i said it. you have to play on it to know what i'm talking about. the weapon placement is perfect and balanced. also why didn't you say how i got a triple kill no scope headshots. thats right, 3 in a row. anyway, the geomerging is great, the structures are smooth and compliment each other, its just great, nice job albino