Swat Box Created by Sesshomuru Supported Gametypes: Swat Map Description It's a simple map I made. It is my first map on ForgeHub, basically it's a huge box type thing made for the game type slayer. _________________________________________________ The entire map outlook _________________________________________________ I'm kinda new to forging, so go easy on me and I will accept any tips Download Box Swat
You need to embed your pics get a photobucket account! EDIT: I'm glad you figured out how to embed pics (sorry if I wasn't very helpful) You should add more than 1 picture, I can't see much from just 1 shot.
Your links also aren't working so fix those... Actually... I know what's wrong lol. You never edited the example quote, so it's linking us to a "download gametype here" page as opposed to "download SWAT here" Just click the EDIT button at the bottom-right of your post to fix that.
it sounds kind of simple but since this is your first time im gonna wait to make a judgement till you get the pictures running im not gonna tell you about the pictures you will have a lot of people thellin you that
altho there is no pics, there is little description and from what i read from it its basically a square with spawns. ill dl but im not gonna rate it because its just not worth it
Good job, Sesshomuru. It should be impossible to get out (since I am the one who fool-proofed it) . The floor could have been interlocked, but other than that, I have no bad feelings towards this map. 4/5.
It actually isn't that small, so you should actually check out a map BEFORE you post comments like this. I know it is a VERY strange idea, but still. You might want to try it every now and then...