Warehouse road Created by xFr1ct10nx this is a fairly small asymetric map meant for more tactical gametypes but works with many others too. meant for 2v2 - 4v4 Base: ___-.Foundry Supported Gametypes: Capture the Flag King of the Hill Slayer Territories Forging 101: [ YES ] __Floating Objects [ YES ] __Instant Respawn [ YES ] __Immovable Objects [ YES ] __Timed Map Events [ YES ] __Effective Spawn Placement [ YES ] __Gravity Lift Techniques [ ___ ] __Objects Placed in Water [ YES ] __Used Symmetry Option [ YES ] __Interlocking Objects [ ___ ] __Objects Merged with Map Geometry [ ___ ] __Unlimited Budget Glitch
Srry bout the pics ill try to get more but this one explains most of it Also this is my 1st map on forgehub
not bad, not bad at ALL. From the first and only picture I can see: -great interlocking -an arch brigde -1-4 floors but I still think their should be more pictures in your post, show us every corner of your map.
The map looks very well made and thought out, it looks like you put a lot of time into making this. I like the curve, nice interlocking. But I would recommend adding some pics - I would like to see more of them. But I will download anyway, so I hope it plays well too! great work, 8.5/10
Seems VERY good! the arch is too good and the interlocking is perfect, but you should have turned the boxes over so it is flat.
i know when i was making the curve i got "caught up in the moment" and for got ill fix it but i dont know when. besides ive played it and it doesnt really affect gameplay.
1- no need for the double post 2- I can't even see your 1 pic 3- add more pics and stuff welcome to Forgehub!
This map looks awesome, some of the aesthenics are amazing, like the curved ceilings, and archways, i love that in maps. I think the layout is pretty cool, and the interlocking is pretty awesome, 5/5 my friend,
looks really good and really well made i like that arch in one of the pics that looks really well made
looks good but try to flip over the double boxes so they look and fell smoother. i can see that you interlocked in lots of places but you also said that you didnt geomerge, all i can say is why not? ill give it a 2.9/5 because it looks a little messy in some spots and you didnt geomerge
Good map Friction, i remember when you showed me, we had good times, and you never said anythin about the fusion coil, so I could never figure out why I was getting killed, I hope you get the pics up for yor next map as well.
Looks pretty decent. Nice interlocking in some areas (the arch) but sloppy interlocking in other areas (flip those boxes). The cover seems kinda random but I like the overall feel of the map. Nothing really blows me away but it's not bad. Decent 3.5/5
Well for your first map on forgehub its amazing the interlocking incredibe and the curved walls , and ceilings are amazing. Overall 5/5 for great interlocking.