Double Track

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Race Maps' started by killer200O, Mar 24, 2008.

  1. killer200O

    killer200O Ancient
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    ..:::Mongoose race track "Double Track" on Last Resort:::..
    This track is the first of our 2nd series of tracks. Yes SECOND series of mongoose RACETRACKS! This map starts of in the base and your driving along on the cool little short track. You will see yellow orbs spawn and count how many laps you have done. 1, 2, 3, 4, then all the sudden BOOOM!!! The track totally flips around and takes you on a totally different ride. Your just going to have to download for yourself to get that feeling. There is also extra features added to this map just to make it that much better. This track is almost the same but defiantly better than our first mongoose track released (last lap) and thats why I chose this map to be our opener for series 2.

    So now your asking ok so you gata sweet map now were is the game type? well the gametype has you spawning at the mongoose's, includes no killing, its a VIP gametype so each person in the game needs to be on his own team, because every time you pass the finish line it gives the VIP a point and not the regular guy.

    Please, if you are going to rate this leave a post below describing why you rated what you rated. If I can get a bunch of comments it will make future maps of mine better and better. Thank You!

    Map location:

  2. whitehalo3

    whitehalo3 Ancient
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    This map isn't anti cheat proof. At the part of the fusion coils, you can easily ram the single crates out of the way on the left side and easily cheat. The map is interesting and I like how it's a time map.
  3. Monolith

    Monolith Ancient
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    I like it how you used a map BESIDES foundry or avalanche... It's been a while since I've seen a racing map on Last Resort... Looks nice, I like the open boxes part, that looks sweet.

    Nice, 4/5
  4. killer200O

    killer200O Ancient
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    You have to understand that a long time ago when Halo 3 came out racing wasn't all about being non cheatable, it was about fun. I personally love the feeling of racing on the Pre-DLC maps, it feels much less icky, also this map was publised a long time ago and it wasn't going to today's "Standards"

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