By Dave the Rave52 MY FIRST MAP TO USE DECENT INTERLOCKING EVER! Race: Dave the Rave52 + PatchworkZombie Adrenaline is short, fun and medium difficulty (because of one jump). The Track has you start in a starting gate with 8 Mongooses, from there you are required to wait 30 seconds, before a wall appears above you and you are able to start the race. Soon after you start there is a jump, and if landed correctly, you will land in a grav-lift assisted turn, from there you will go onto the second jump, and land on a smooth, long, 180 degree banked turn. From the banked turn you will finish your first lap. All of the bordering is interlocked, not so that th racer can see over it, but not drive over it! Cheaters (and people unlucky enough to fall off the track), will be sent to a tunnel where they will have to walk through to get back to the Mongooses, allowing everyone else to lap them. Pictures: Starting Gate - Closed Starting Gate - Open 1st Jump to grav-lift assisted turn 2 Jump to VIP Point 180 degree banked turn Lap finish Don't cheat Download Here
The 180 degree angle turn is amazing. 5/5, Not the bast racertack I have seen but it is one of the best. The track is really small though. :\ It is still very good and I'm downloading it!! EDIT: The floor would be better if it was interlocked.
I've just tried it. Besides the track being really short (two jumps, one banked turn) it's awesome. Nice job!
The track seems very smooth with the interlocking and it's very clean. Love the half circle, it's almost perfectly round!
I now what you say but you obviously did not read the description... THERE IS A BANKED TURN! Also, its is cheatproof!
wow i would never have the patience to do interlocking like that. is it at a slope? nice all in all, r the teleporters to prevent cheating?
Thanks man, I'm making a racetracks at the moment which is a banked turn leading straight into an offcamber, then theres a sharp 180 degree turn... which leads onto a straight with a rollercoaster ramp at the end... what next? Any ideas?
It looks really smooth and all in all awesome. The only thing I would suggest is to make a ramp back onto the track, so if you fall off on the inside, you can get back on. 4/5 based on pics.
It is a great interlocked mogoose track and I like the idea about the unlucky people. But it does seem kind of short. 4/5.
Yes, I agree, it is very short, which is why I chose the name Adrenaline, it's a fun fast paced track. And also btw I understand the point about a ramp back onto the track... but wouldnt people just take a shortcut, through an already short track?
you have interlocking groud tallent but can you do it as a sky track,,,, i would like to see something like that, overall its smooth!
Funny enough you say that... I'm currently making a map off ground (or at least half of it is), it has (so far) a banked turn leading straight onto an offcambered turn (an S-Turn), then a sharp 180 degree turn, followed by a straight leading to a rollercoaster ramp... but I don't know where to go from here.
this is very neatly done. i can understand why it isn't a bit longer because all the features of it are so aestheticlly smooth, it would be very hard to make more of the same standard
Thankyou.... I used almost all of the budgte on this map, and couldn't do much more (some money was spent on aesthetics inside the fence boxes. And yes btw I do have an Infinite budget glitch map, but didn't want to use it because the one I had was a bit of a mess and I just really hate using it anyway! Guys! IMPRTANT NOTICE - I have uploaded a clip from youtube of the track!
Great track, the interlocking looks perfect in the banked turn. I love short tracks that are as smooth as this one. Well done Dale, good to test =D
Not bad it seems way to short but what ever good forging. I really like that box turn thats like 180 degrees very nice.
Yeah, the problem I had was when I was making the map i had really big plans for it, but i 4got to use infinite money glitch, and i lost inspiration
wow, this is some of the best merging i've ever seen, the switch is cool and fun and it looks like a good racing map. good job 5/5