Dont Ask Me How To Do This Glitch Because I Promised My Freind I Wouldnt Show Any One The Glitched Map
This map is modded! A few people showed me yet, it is on last resort and the water level is set higher. Not creative.
link to the fileshare so he can get banned for eternity pl0x? jk, its not that original, probably 100 other people took the same screenshot, and all of them named it "I wet myself" w/e dude, seeing as you're banned for doing stupid stuff like posting a modded map on a site where you get BANNED for doing so cheers, sdrakulich
I know I've downloaded a Last Resort Mod with water like that but I also remember seeing a video showing how to do the same thing via a glitch. Dunno, maybe I imagined the video.
Umm this modded map looks cool .. Can someone send me a link to get in pm please =] The pic isn't that good its just a guy in a lake saying he weed himself .. nothing special