...:::Mongoose Race Track "Tight Quarters" on The Pit:::... C u l8er and I have recently added 3 maps to our collection of race tracks. I present to you Tight Quarters. The best Pit race track known to me. You start out by the mongeese going straight. You keep on heading in that direction for awhile. Then you take a air lift assisted turn and go down a ramp. You cut through some twisty territory. Theb you make your way down and up another set of ramps by the overshield spawn which is also an air lift using turn. Then you head under a building and up a ramp. Take a tight right and your are at the finish line. Continue around you last air lift assisted turn and you are at the beginning again. This map is in my opinion is the best use of The Pit's area. So now your asking ok so you gota sweet map now were is the game type? well the gametype has you spawning at the mongoose's, includes no killing, its a VIP gametype so each person in the game needs to be on his own team, because every time you pass the finish line it gives the VIP a point and not the regular guy. A special thanks to my co-creator c u l8er (bnet name cardio king) Feedback: Please, if you are going to rate this leave a post below describing why you rated what you rated. If I can get a bunch of comments it will make future maps of mine better and better. Thank You! Map location: http://www.bungie.net/Forums/posts.aspx?postID=13460404
The map isn't cheat proof which is a problem. You can walk through the checkpoint and you can also take short cuts which is a bad thing. 2/5.
This map wasn't made to be uncheatable, this map is very old and when it was made we raced for fun and didn't worry about people cheating.
I like how you used the Pit. I haven't seen many racetracks that don't use Foundry or Avalanche. Good job. 4/5