Discussion in 'Halo 3 Aesthetic Maps' started by BarkusTheMan 1, Sep 7, 2008.



  1. Both are crap.

    1 vote(s)
  2. Eh... I guess this one isn't THAT bad.

    0 vote(s)
  3. Hmm, I see some good changes.

    1 vote(s)
  4. Nice, there's definitely improvement here.

    7 vote(s)
  5. It's like night and day!

    4 vote(s)
  1. BarkusTheMan 1

    BarkusTheMan 1 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    SHAFT! v2

    As many of you have seen with the original SHAFT!, I have created a nice, perfectly usable elevator. However, many of you had excellent suggestions for me to improve it. I have implemented these ideas into this improved version of SHAFT!. Here is an excerpt of the original thread for those of you who have not yet seen the original.



    You may have noticed that the sentence "which spawns one under the crate," is crossed out. That is because in the new version this is not so.


    Here are the other changes I have made:

    I have included a system to prepare the lift for it's next usage. Instead of the old way: throwing a spike grenade at the lift, I have used a much cleaner, more sophisticated way of doing this.

    Retrieve custom powerup at the second floor.


    This causes the fusion coil to fall


    Which, as you might have guessed, destroys the grav lift.



    Another important aspect of the map I changed is this


    In the old version, the grav lift was straight up. This caused major stickage to the back of the top of the elevator. With this one the problem is completely eliminated.

    And last, but not least, the problem that I feel was of greatest concern to the community, the crate-stopping method. In the old version, I used fence walls to stop the crate at the end, pictured here:


    The fence walls did not get along well with people's heads. So in version 2, I have created a much smoother way of doing this, the teleporter!


    With all the changes that have been made to this elevator, it is tremendously improved from the original.
    If you liked the original, you are sure to love this one.


    Download SHAFT! v2
    TheDarkKnight05 and M.Jelleh like this.
  2. IVIercinator

    IVIercinator Ancient
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    Wow one of the best elevators I have ever seen. I love how clean it is in the fact that they dont have to use anything but just have pick up hte custom power up. Great job.
  3. ScarFac3d

    ScarFac3d Ancient
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    Looks pretty good, but there are so many other elevators out there so it is hard to tel HOW good. 4/5.
  4. Elkan Viel

    Elkan Viel Ancient
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    I've seen elevators semi-often but this one is the best so far. Unless it hurts you 0.o Thanks for interlocking because when some people make switches they leave it sloppy-looking and it just frustrates me. It also looks a little different from other elevators. I will download, 5/5.
  5. BarkusTheMan 1

    BarkusTheMan 1 Ancient
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    Woah, 3 comments within like 30 seconds! Thanks for the instant feedback guys! I appreciate it.
  6. Dthen

    Dthen Ancient
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    And can you continually re-use it? What's the resetting times? I'm interested.
  7. BarkusTheMan 1

    BarkusTheMan 1 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    main grav lift- 180
    other two grav lifts- 10 (run time minimum set to 2)

    crate- 10 (run time minimum 1)

    custom powerups- 20
    fusion coils- 20
  8. M.Jelleh

    M.Jelleh Ancient
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    I saw your first one at the beginning, but I have one quick question. How is someone at the bottom supposed to get to the top if there is already someone there. I can't figure it out. Please explain.
  9. Ghost AE

    Ghost AE Ancient
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    Really nice elevator! The best Ive seen!
  10. J Red

    J Red Ancient
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    Could I use this elevator in a map that I'm making if I give you credit for it?
  11. Lunches 11

    Lunches 11 Ancient
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    Hey, just wanted you to know that the elevators poon. I was surprised to see how complex they were. I just love camping at the top.
  12. Jebus1001

    Jebus1001 Ancient
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    So if you're at the bottom and someone has already gone to the top... you can't get the elevator back down? It seems that to reset the elevator you need to be at the top already. I guess you could still use the spike grenade if you left it at the bottom.
  13. CrazyChao

    CrazyChao Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Really nice. I like the newer version much better. In the old version, I could never get to the power-up without being sent upward by the gravity lift. This one is much cleaner and works a lot better. Good work.
  14. drak

    drak Ancient
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    Good job, I see you listened to me last time (lol I remember commenting from like a month or so ago) I told you that, and you quoted me...dont let me get carried off!

    The elevator looks much better, but how do you destroy the push from the man cannon?

    That is the only place I'm confused with.

    If you get a chance, please PM me the details of the elevator...thanks!
  15. BarkusTheMan 1

    BarkusTheMan 1 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Thank you both for bringing this to my attention. I had not thought of it. Well, if you're at the bottom and it has already been used, you can still use it once the crate respawns, it will just be a little spazzy. However, I shall have to fix this is v3 or the new elevator I plan on making.

    Be my guest.

    I'm not sure exactly what you mean by "push from mancannon." If you're talking about the grav lift at the bottom, then you use the switch at the top, however there is currently no way to destroy the switch from the bottom but as I already mentioned I plan on making either a v3 or a completely new one.
  16. Mace

    Mace Old Tyme
    Senior Member

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    awsome very neat
    clean cut and well intarlocked
    i think the fence walls looks much more professional and is cooler
    the node is just disgusting looking
    this is a cool elevator, ambey for the next version you culd base a map around it
  17. TheDarkKnight05

    TheDarkKnight05 Ancient
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    dude that looks really cool. I like the elevator feel to it. One thing that would be really cool is if it could go up and down. Like press the custom powerup to go up on the first level and then on the top level to go down. I am glad you made that change for the elevator instead of throwing the spiker grenade you just hit the CP(custom powerup). Like you said that really made it much cleaner and much more enjoyable. Really like the idea and this should be interesting to maps aesthetic wise and gameplay wise if you chose to put it into a map. Good Job and 5/5
  18. version2

    version2 Ancient
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    wait so the map is an elevator and that's it?
  19. Xx BEHEM0TH xX

    Xx BEHEM0TH xX Ancient
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    I remember from like a month ago that I challenged you to make a lift with two switches, and it looks like you perfected it. This could be what makes a map great or bad. Very creative indeed. I think that the fact that you have not only an up switch, but a down switch, is what makes this elevator original. 5/5 for sure!

    Now I challenge you to make the down and up switch on the first floor.
  20. Dthen

    Dthen Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I mean the ressetting time of your elevator - not the respawn times of the components

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