This is a growing dilemma at my high school, and possibly spreading across the state that I live in and eventually our nation. A lot of times when one uses the word, Mexican, that individual gets a warning from one of the faculty. Example... "Is she Mexican or Puerto Rican?" Then a teacher or other grown self-individual will tell that person to "Watch your mouth." Okay, what in Bloody Hell? Since when is the term, Mexican, a racial term? What else are we supposed to refer Latinos to? Hispanics? No, there are 21 Spanish speaking countries in the world, one of them is Mexico. Do you guys truly believe Mexican is a degrading word? If you do, then why don't you offer another name to refer Mexico citizens to?
I personally don't think it is a degrading word, I don't use it, I use 'Hispanic' as you stated instead, but I don't think it is offensive. Most Hispanics probably don't care one way or another anyway.
Man, so mexican is offensive, I suppose calling someone American will soon become a racial slur. This is ridiculous. Some one is from Mexico therefore; they're mexican. I can see how it would be considered offensive but really some people are so sensitive that its painful.
I think that is ridiculous. If they are from mexico, they are mexican. I'm from america, so I am american. It's not like I take the term offensively.
21? I'm sure there are more than that. Does that count all of the Caribbean islands that speak spanish? Whatever, I think the Mexican should only be considered rude if you use it in a way that would insult someone like for example: Oh yeah he jumps really well just because he is Mexican. That is mildly insulting and slightly racist. Obviously there are a lot of Hispanic people that aren't Mexican though, like I have a friend whose dad is Honduran, he is a nice guy. His dad that is. Also I have cousins who are half Puerto Rican and they live in Puerto Rico too. Also you never know, someone could be Brazilian like my aunt. And they speak Portuguese there which I hear is a very difficult language compared to Spanish. But anyway, I think that Mexican should not be a racial term unless you use it in a rude way.
In some countries, it already is. But since when the hell was "Mexican" offensive... That's ridiculous...
what the ? i mean is political correctness that out of hand when you can't even describe somebody's place of origin? thats sad i guess calling Canadians Canadian will be frowned upon as well .i mean what are you supposed to say that there are "hispanic" or "latino" because both of those pc terms could be misconstrued as mexican or puerto rican because i know the difference between the two terms but not many people do.
Mexican can be used as a degrading term as well as a nationality. Since the USA is experiencing so much trouble with illegal immigration, racism and discrimination against Mexicans has shot through the roof. Its meaning is now kind of unclear to many people. Think of it this way. Jewish. That is used as a religion and also a way to insult someone (i.e. You're so Jewish.). It seems that many people have absorbed and adapted to the thought that "Mexican" is a racial slur when it really is not. Saying someone is Mexican (in a way meant to insult them) is just like saying "You're German.". Really, what the hell? If a different word (i.e. German) is supposed to be used the same way as Mexican, how did Mexican become so offensive? We Americans are so daft sometimes when it comes to nationality and ethnic backgrounds. It disgusts me.
Good sir, perhaps you should read the post that has a link in my sig... I'll get the racism part of it and paste it here in a sec. EDIT: ^^there you go. The racism part of my rant.
Normally I would excuse you saying something like that, but please do not post it in this thread; it will make the debate look bad. Can you pretty please delete that post? It is also irrelevant. And I know that people do use the term Mexican as a degrading insult but that should have zero effect on what the actual word means. Others that find the word Mexican offensive are the ones that assume it is oppressive, so it is them being the prejudice.
Wow...what has the world come to... That's like calling a person from Britain, British. Or calling someone from America, American. Or calling some from Australia, Australian. Seriously. Get a grip, teachers.
Consider it my way of stating how ludicrous the reason for this thread is. All this PC bullshit is the reason the world is going to hell. Why don't we all just go live in secluded rooms with soft padding on every surface and no corners so that we don't get hurt. Somewhere where we cannot talk to anyone just to make sure we don't say anything offensive. Oh and don't feed us anything cause we could get sick that way.
youd have to say it in a jerkish way, but no, i dont think that mexican is a racial and degrading term. my best friend is hespanic, and i use the word 'hespanic' more often, and besides, a larger group of so called "gangsters" are hespanic, and tend to be in gangs. im not steriotyping them either. and its true that often here in texas, the ones who usually get in trouble are hespanic, but i know thats just because of the families they belong to, who im sure have a hard time. and like i said before, my BEST friend is hespanic, and if i or one of my friends joke about it occasionally, then he cracks up just like us. but its just like, say, "Theres soooooo few white rappers, everyone is holding us back cuz we r white!!" couldnt we take that offensive? we could. but i wouldnt worry about it, im sure its just because theres been no really good white rapper. anyway, to sum it up, i dont think everyone steriotypes mexicans just because of their heritage, and i dont think that theyre less of human beings either, its just the harsher environment theyre subject to so much more often that might give them a bad rep.
No, I don't think Mexican is a racial slur. It's just an ethnicity, as there are Germans, Italians, and Chinese. If it's used to generalize anyone that is hispanic than it is prejudice. The people that think saying Mexican is a racial slur are inferring that it is bad to Mexican so they are being racist.
i dont think the issue that the teacher had a problem with was the use of the term "mexican", it was the question it was contained in. What your question could've been interpreted as, by someone that is always under constant pressure to ensure that no racism occurs (eg a teacher), is "where's she from? they all look the same to me". Obviously if you feel so vocal about this, you did not imply it- nonetheless the teacher still made the assumption that you were being racist. i am not condoning any persons action in this situation, merely saying you have to approach it from the teacher's perspective as well.
Is the term American a racial slur? No. Is Italian or Irish racial? No. So do you think Mexican is a racial slur? No!