Halo 3 Mythic - Assembly Possibly A Campaign Expansion Too?

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Reynbow, Sep 7, 2008.

  1. Reynbow

    Reynbow Ancient
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    Okay guys, there's no doubt you've seen all of the Halo 3 PAX leaks we broke earlier this week, firstly when we were at PAX we snuck into the Bungie booth like the Ninjas we are and snapped a picture of the "Halo 3 Mythic" menu screen, which according to Bungie "The Public weren't meant to see". Last night we broke that the Halo 3 build at PAX had an extra 30 Achievements totaling an extra 750 Gamerscore points. Now we've dug around a bit, asked some questions here and there and we think we've got a good idea of what's happening with this whole "Halo 3 Mythic" debunkle.


    You may or may not know that with every new update or content pack added for a game, a Game Developer (or Publisher) may add 250 GS Points onto the games list, which was a re-written gamerscore rule as of last February (Source). To date Bungie have released 2 Map Packs, Legendary & Heroic, which potentially allow Bungie / Microsoft to add 500 points to Halo 3. Now taking into account that Bungie have officially unveiled "Assembly" there's still no word as to how this is going to be distributed. This achievement and Menu screen leak definitely confirms a few things about the upcoming content pack (If the achievements are indeed headed to the retail copy of the game).

    Since that infamous "Edge Acceptance video" hit the internet, Halo fans across the world have been scratching their heads trying to figure out what the words "You may have finished the fight, but the ride definitely isn't over" mean. Well, in our eyes, it wouldn't surprise us if what they were talking about was "Halo 3 Mythic". Now in my opinion, the canceled Bungie Announcement at E3 and the "thing" that will ensure that "the ride isn't over" are two completely different things, however if I was a betting man I'd put money on "Mythic" being related to the Edge Video, just because all arrows points directly to Halo 3.

    If you look at the new achievements we posted, you'll see that new skulls are going to be added into the game (remembering at this stage these achievements aren't confirmed to be coming to Halo 3 Retail), these skulls being called "Heretic", "Assembly" & "Citadel". The Citadel & Heretic skulls can be placed in certain campaign levels quite easily, but the Assembly skull? I believe the Assembly skull to be a whole different story (Quite literally). With Bungie lifting the iron clad veil on the Multiplayer map Assembly last week, I'm pretty sure we're not dealing with a simple coincidence here. Now unless we're looking at an introduction of Multiplayer Skulls, I would put money on Assembly not only being a Multiplayer Map, but also a Campaign Expansion.

    For those of you thinking "How would they work an expansion into the game, it ended so well". Well I think what we'll see from "Mythic" is a well placed campaign expansion mission (or possibly a few), similar to how they worked Gears of War PC - Giving the players without the content the same story and the players with the content a little bit more. I think we've done quite a good job on explaining the reasons backing up our theory that Assembly will also be a Campaign expansion, however lets being together the facts.

    We know that Assembly is a multiplayer map, however Bungie have said nothing about how it will be distributed (Which leaves this being included in a "Mythic" campaign expansion a possibility). We also know that the achievements pictured from PAX are to a certain extent, real (However if they're actually going to make it to the retail game still remains unconfirmed). So knowing that and the fact there's an Assembly skull in the works, a Campaign expansion based around the Assembly Multiplayer Map, seems like it could be a complete possibility. I personally believe that the Assembly Multiplayer Map, Campaign Map and new Campaign skulls will be included in the "Mythic" pack which will also, for the people who have the pack, change the Menu's theme to "Halo 3 Mythic", which was pictured at PAX. Remember guys, this is all speculation, but I'm sure there will be a mention of this "Mythic Mess" in Bungie's weekly update.​
    source site
  2. Da Pig

    Da Pig Ancient
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    The guys at addictgaming.com seem very right! But what about that second scull in the mission "Cortana"? If assembly is supposed to look like high charity or something, and it being named assembly maybe that's the assembly scull... idk. Would be cool though if there's going to be new campaign missions! :D
  3. Murdock Sampson

    Murdock Sampson Ancient
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    How can there be new campaign missions? the story was over i thought? will they just pick "in-betweenzies"?
  4. Reynbow

    Reynbow Ancient
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    As far-fetched as this idea is, I want to see some kind of like 'flashback missions'. Like remakes of like a Halo1 campaign level, well not identicle but from that period in time. Or maybe even further back in the past. Something like that would be cool. 'Prequel levels' =D
  5. Murdock Sampson

    Murdock Sampson Ancient
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    Yeah i just meant that anything further ahead wouldn't be that possible, since we'll have to wait for "halo 4" for the future story (or whatever story it covers).

    I wouldn't really mind anything. its new campaign! i mean if they do it that's cool. sounds like bungie's just trying to revamp halo 3 in every aspect of the game

    BASED GOD Ancient

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    Maybe, just maaaaaaybe; in the new levels there is a 'minigame mode', which would be a cross between campaign and multiplater.
  7. Reynbow

    Reynbow Ancient
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    I personally can't wait to see the 'new' Menu screen, or at least hear the 'new' Menu.
  8. Murdock Sampson

    Murdock Sampson Ancient
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    Now whats this about the menus? i never saw it. links?

    and also, will this be realeased as DLC or a seperate disc or what?
  9. Reynbow

    Reynbow Ancient
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    DLC, it's in the OP
  10. Murdock Sampson

    Murdock Sampson Ancient
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    you and your freaking acronyms!
  11. Reynbow

    Reynbow Ancient
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    Downloadable Content, it's in the original post

    Better? =P
  12. Murdock Sampson

    Murdock Sampson Ancient
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    well it said "we're not sure how bungie plans on distributing it" or something like that.

    and where's the menu stuff?
  13. Reynbow

    Reynbow Ancient
    Banned Senior Member

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    There? 3 times... Lol
  14. Murdock Sampson

    Murdock Sampson Ancient
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    No i meant is there actually something somewhere with what its supposed to look like?
  15. Reynbow

    Reynbow Ancient
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    Not that I can find yet

    EDIT: Nevermind. Perhaps something like this?

  16. Murdock Sampson

    Murdock Sampson Ancient
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    lol horrible quality... is it the same menu options i can't tell. looks like one less. maybe just because 'twas the beta or something.
  17. J A Y

    J A Y Ancient
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    How could there be a new campaign, when the mythic menu has no campaign option. It only has Matchmaking, Custom games, forge and theater.
  18. jedi eli

    jedi eli Ancient
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    OMG There's more Halo 3! I can't wait to play the new campaign if this is true. Except, I'm still wondering if this mission will take place on that planet everyone saw on the Legendary ending or something before or in between the events of Halo 3?
  19. Reynbow

    Reynbow Ancient
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    When you haven't started the campaign, doesn't it only show four options. Seeing how the top option [seperate from the others] says something along the lines of continueing the campaign and the option below is the 'campaign' option.

    And if anyone can translate, it would be much aprettiated. lol...


    BASED GOD Ancient

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    There's no MM in there, if it were to be an expansion, the old campaign would still be there.

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