Enhancement V3 Created by minato, GT: Kyuubi Shippo Supported Gametypes: Team Slayer, CTF, VIP Map Description The third version of the critically acclaimed (though I never mentioned wether the critique was positive or negative) map Enhancement. It has been revamped, removing the Flamethrower room that people complained about. I added more scenery, and added a gametype or two. You must check out the other two versions of Enhancement, but this one is by far the best. I have made it impossible to get out of the map as a normal human, or elite. I used the Forging 101 techniques: Geomerging, Merging, Advanced Floating, and Timed Map Events. I used Timed Map Events to create a wall that you will either have to Grenade Jump over it, or get over by going over one of the structures. It spawns 3 minutes into the game. _________________________________________________ Overview From Attackers Side Defenders Sniper/Turret Tower The Catwalk and a Room A Structure with a Gravlift More Cover on the Attackers Side The Attackers Side Shotty/Turret Tower Don't Want To Be This Guy _________________________________________________ ADDITIONAL SUMMING-UP COMMENTS AND THANKS FOR ANYONE GIVING FEEDBACK HERE Download Enhancement V3 Download My VIP Download My Team Slayer Download My Team Flags
it looks pretty well made though it is a little open. your geo mergin and interlockin looks pretty good except it looks like you used a lot of double boxes in that one structure with the grav lift when you could have just used like 4 or 5 you used like 7 or 8 but other than that good job 3/5
this map doesn't look to good based on the screenshots, i might recomend testing before hand, if u need any help im always willing to lend a hand.
first of all this map seems very plain and open the cover isnt very well placed and you need more of it. The sheild door doesnt really serve any purpose except make things frustrating. you focused to much on aestetics and it seems like there wasnt much item use and you should bulk up your map wth so even more elabrate but practical bases with more that one or two levels and with non jump based ascension 76.5/100
The map has open spots that need some cover. You did a good job with the interlocking and the geomerging. 3/5
kinda sloppy interlocking i would never put a turret and a machine gun right next to eachother the splazer looks unneded and you could prooly tak out 1 turret flip those doubleboxes and that shield door should go byby
Dude, what kind of stuff are you on? I don't have a turret and a machine gun next to each other. I have a shotgun next to one, and a sniper next to the other.
This looks fun to play. I think that your merging and interlocking could be better but thats about it. You had many interesting structures.
Good job on the interlocking and the merging, though I do suggest that you do add some more structure to your map, other than that 4.5/5! Just keep working at it.
Hey, thank you, Sesshomuru. You are one of the only people that hasn't told me to add more cover. I flmking hate it when people say a map sucks because it lacks cover. And, what do you mean by more 'structure'?