does anyone know how to make good air shaft's that will connect from room to room. Because I will probably interlock pallets so you have to break through it in order to get into the air shaft. Anyone know any good technique's.
Do the air shafts just go one way? What level (foundry?) are we talking about? If just omni-directional, you can do a crate sized shaft. Interlocking technique around a crate, with mancannons sitting atop pointed the direction. Needs to be hidden though, will look ugly if seen.
a few maps have done this, the first that springs to mind is 'Vents' just some simple interlocked walls make some pretty cool looking vents. Also you can see the grav lift method of making them one way. The one drawback is they're pretty fugly looking from the outside, but thats cool if they're hidden.
the only good way to make an air shaft is to interlock objects ( see vents). If ur not using foundry u will have to get creative. By this I mean u might not be able to use a stationary object. If u don't use stationary objects then it would be go to hold the object queue it is by either using weopon holders or teleporters