Basic Photoshop but it impresses teh normal people. Yes that is me. Currently it resides on my myspace where it will soon get fame and acclaim for being so uber leet. The middle, beginning word is ***** if you were wondering. Normal people psh...
That is actually really cool. What did you do to do that? Also, your shirt is cool and I like to play scrabble.
I just took my picture in three different places without moving anything. Then I cropped my photos and implemented them into the first main picture.
Yo Dizfunky if you do this just lie down in like every place you can to spell your name DizFunky with your body lmao, that would be hilarious and just have like a random friend be the I lol.
In Photoshop, it's called, "Photomerge." It's a wonderful tool. And this is a wonderful picture. Good job with the camera and photomerging.
My friend used to make these and I was always like "WTFHAX" but I know how to make them, but they're still awesome. Good job and good luck on Scrabble. Spell "buttsecks" for the next word.