You know that the last thing you want to do for recon is say that it is for recon. The only person who ever kind of asked for Recon and got it I would say is DigitalPh33r, and really he makes me laugh and I think he is pretty dedicated to halo so he deserves it IMO. After DigitalPh33r has made over 20 movies using the halo engine, I don't think just any story will get you close. I get that it was just kind of a showing of dedication, but I don't really think that this shows that you are so dedicated. But, if you are here, you must be at least as dedicated as me.
What I never understood is why people try so hard for recon. It's ugly, and it's a game that has been phased out for games like Far Cry, Forza Motorsport (not really, I just like it). **** Recon. **** Halo. **** you. btw: the story needs work. i'm not feeling it.
Yeah have you ever noticed that all well aclaimed novels never just tell what happened they have mood because the level of description puts you in the story. Don't give up for recon once i get it and the right to give it ( and a million dollars in prize money) ill be sure to give you some. jk