//countdown.start_J.Thompson 5... 4... 3... 2... 1... But ya, it's ridiculous. When will we start blaming everything else, and just blame ourselves? Kid was a dumb ass, the end.
This is so stupid, because everytime something like this happens, everyone points their fingers at the video game! And it pisses me off how knowone pays attention to the fact that that kid probably was smokin something, had mental issues, or like cookie said maybe watched a few "graphic " movies...
I hate when this kind of stuff happens. When someone shoots someone or commits suicide with a weapon, its always blamed on a movie or game. How about blaming it on the person for now using his/her brain lol
the guns in halo arent even real... and anyway, sucide isnt the most popular halo thing to do... wow, its a video game
Plus, the kid obviously has something wrong with him, who would seriously point a gun at themselves, even if it wasn't loaded?
Honestly it wasn't halo's fault it the parents fault for leaving a loaded rifle in the reach of an 11 year old child what were they thinking.
So if they played CoD4, then it would be CoD4's fault. This is absurd, video games have nothing to do with it. Directors act out games all the time, and accidents are littered there. Halo has nothing to do with it, and it was the person's fault for not taking extra cautions. Anyhow Reporters today will do anything to get an attention grabber. The Police were NOT blaming the video game, then the reporter just decides to make it stand out more.
He should not of been able to access the gun in the first place. It's not Halo/Bungie's fault life has no respawn system.
I believe this leaks somewhat into the debate over should kids play Halo. If a parent feels that the child cannot handle content such as this without these types of consequences, as well as handle online conversation, then the kid shouldn't get the game.
If anything it's the parents' fault. Not only for buying a child an M rated game but for keeping a loaded weapon somewhere where he could easily reach it.
Why do people automaticly asume video games are always involved like unless it say halo made me do this. Why does it seem like its always halos fault never any of the wrose more realistic games like gtaIV or stuff like that. Also why the **** would parents leave a loaded .45 for him to play with
Look kids should not be playing Halo 3 if they think they can recreate something in it with a real gun. And they should not be able to have access to a real gun unsupervised.
Exactly. I'd almost go so far as to say it's 100% the parents fault. Buying an 11 year old an M rated game that is either not mature enough or has some neurological issues and leaving a gun improperly stored? Sounds like their fault to me. We, the video game community, need to just deal with stuff like this for a while. It happened with TV and comic books. Everyone wants to blame something and they go with the newest Catullus for violence, at this time it's video games. It'll die down in the next few years.