Okay so I saw Funky's wonder sig and I'm like I can do that, so I made this sig by using the same stocks as Funky and I like it so w/e plz CnC. Also I think I'm gonna make a tut for it so if u want me to make a tut plz say so... I'm not gonna make one if no one wants one. V.2. Text is higher. Here is no text and a border...
Okay... I'll make a tut. It's gonna take a while though cuz I am busy during the week and I haz homework and lunch w/ my grandpa tomorrow. Also a lot of this sig was just messing around so it will take a little time to figure out exactly how I did it. Also it will be a tut for PhotoShop.
All I don't like is the top left corner. It's too blurry. Whatever was added in there should only be slightly blurred. Also the text in some areas is slightly hard to read. Other than that, your use of colors, lighting and such is very well done. You did a great job on this one. Edit: Oh yea... you should add a small one pixel border. You had it coming.
copying a sig isnt something too be proud of, and you did it wrong. The world has a black outline too it and theres a random blob on the left side. The lines around the world arn't realistic.
I'm glad you like what I did, and you made your own out of it. Get rid of the text though. Sometimes sigs look better without it.
Wow, thats just as good as Disfunky's, good job. The only thing I would say is the world looks cut out wrong on the orb, thats that black outline Reaper You should blur the outside of the world
Yeah this was just a quick sig that took like 45 minutes... Thanks though, I'm glad everyone likes it.
i think it makes funkies look inferior and love the rings on it but i find the hands a little blurry.
i think its pretty cool. also, can someone tell me how i can get the earth to spin? i want to put in a sig im making, so far it looks really good. =] EDIT - also, i have an earth that spins, off google, and i want to nkow how to get it into my sig...
Well... Technically the hand and the orb was Lone's idea to begin with and then Funky make a variation of it and I made a variation of Funky's... So we just used the same idea not the same sig so it's not copying or anything. Also the reason the hand looks blury is because in order to get the glow and not make it look bad I had too put the glowyness on the whole hand and it made it look like that.
Its not that, he was inspired by it. If it wernt for copying, some of the best stuff we have wouldn't be here today.