Conflict v2.2 First off, this version is not over budget!!! I have $2 left over. So for those that need nothing more than a hot link, here. However, it seems that my pay per click ad didn’t work as well as expected when I released v1. So for those kids out there that spend more time on the forums than playing the game.—Below there is a detail description and pictures… so you can carrying on an intelligent debate about how much the map sucks without even playing it. Name:: Conflict v2.2 Author:: Kon Artist Map Layout:: 4 room bases (Red, Blue, Yellow, Purple) Map Size:: 4-8 players Map Variations:: MLG settings Game types:: TS, CTF, KOTH, Ball, FFA Weapons:: 4 Battle Rifles (1. rifle top each base), 8 Plasmas (2 under each side bridge) , 1 Mauler ( bottom center) Spawns and Objective goals TS- - starting spawns are top Red and top Blue, and all spawn points are neutral CTF—starting spawns are top Red and top Blue. Flag at home.-- spawn area is 15 x 15 units = able to spawn in your base (top and bottom) and sides. Flag away—spawn area is an “L” shape along the out side of your base and is 7x12 x 7x12. = you can spawn in your bases and outside. Flag spawns back corner of Red and Blue. KOTH—starting spawns are top Red and top Blue. All spawns are neutral. There are 4 hill locations, in order. 1) top center. 2) top yellow. 3) bottom center. 4) top purple. Ball—starting spawns are top Red and top Blue. All spawns are neutral. The ball spawns top center. FFA—Starting spawns are scattered throughout the map. All spawns are neutral. Overview Blue Base Top Blue Base Bottom Blue Base Open “A” Closed “B” Bottom Center Conflict call-outs For center of the Map- courtyard courtyard:: all the bridges in center 5 total Center Hill:: the 3.5 x3.5 sq. top center with Boxes Ball:: very middle of top courtyard Bottom court:: under center bridges Mauler:: bottom center b/t the Boxes where mauler spawns For the Bases- Bases are Color coded— Blue, Yellow, Red, Purple Red Base:: Blue, Yellow, Purple Top Red:: Red Base top floor (top Blue, top Yellow, Top Purple) Bottom Red:: Red Base bottom floor (Bottom Blue, Bottom Yellow, Bottom Purple) Red door:: the door way that connects the Red Base (the front door way) to the courtyard (Blue door, Yellow door, Purple door) Closed Red:: the top door of Red Base to closed “B” street (Closed Blue, Closed Yellow, Closed Purple) Open Red:: the top door of Red Base to “B” tower --the long side of the map (Open Blue, Open Yellow, Open Purple Red BR:: the BR in the back top of Red Base (Blue BR, Yellow, BR, Purple BR) Red flag:: the sq. b/t ramps in the back of the base. (Blue flag, Yellow flag, Purple flag) Side of Bases and bridges- There is an A & B side to the map—the long side is open with the large “A” & “B” towers and the stairs. Closed side – is shorter and has a drop down from Closed street ( the bridges) and has a jump up out of the pit area before the courtyard. Red Stairs:: the stairs connected to Red Base (Blue stairs, Yellow stairs, Purple stairs) Red Jump-up:: the Jump-up next to Red Base on the short side out of “A” pit (Blue jump-up, Yellow jump-up, Purple jump-up) Open A:: the large “A” side (connects Blue Base and Purple Base) Open B:: the Large “B’ side (connects Yellow Base and Red Base) Closed A:: the flat bridge on A side (connects Blue Base and Purple Base) Closed B:: the flat bridge on B side (connects Yellow Base and Red Base) A pit:: the area under short A b/t Blue Base and Yellow before bottom court B pit:: the area under short B b/t Red Base and Purple before bottom court Conflict v2.2 Time Line and Explanation of Conflict. For a few people here on this site, that see beyond Halo, beyond Forge. . . this is for you. As some of you know, I have made quite a few maps in the Halo 3 “map editor” [forge]. I have utilized the tools and options that Bungie has given me access to. With my current education and knowledge I couldn’t successfully sit down in front of a computer and create my own game. Neither, could I sit down in front of a computer and MOD a game. However, I do know how to play FPS and I know how to design maps. I hope that many of you have enjoyed playing some of my maps. Most of the maps have been over budget. The reason is that I have been more concerned about refining my design skills than frame rate problems on split screen. So Bungie, I would like to thank you for giving me the opportunity to get my ideas out of my head. . .And I want to slap you for making it so hard to do. So again, for those that think past Halo, and have larger dreams and goals. . . here is a time line of Conflict v2, form thought to realization! Grab a Mountain Dew, this is long. The Idea! When you look at Conflict you can see the layout is 4 base symmetric. It was an after thought of Impact, a map that I made back in May. Many of the design decisions in Conflict are a result of what worked and didn’t work on Impact. So lets start there. Impact, came from the Idea, of a group of people that rebuilt a living area around a crater. The “Impact” destroyed the whole city—and the survivors built a living area around it as a memorial. That was the idea and concept. Now came the design elements that infused the art and science. The art-- look and feel. The science-- things that directly affect game play (Geometry, LOS, Cover, Routes, etc.). Design 101—Paraphrased from Competitive Level Design Guide - From a Quake 3 Perspective. Complete article can be found here The function of the level is to create a continually interesting playing field for the players. Without any items at all, a level already presents several new strategies for the players. All of these strategies in and of themselves give the players sufficient reason to traverse the level, if only to gain the tactical edge. Higher Ground Multiple Routes Cover Distinct Geographic Features Sound Cues Verticality Balance Flow Connectivity To the Drawing Board I still use pen and paper in the 1st stages of design. The map started with the idea stated above. Basically a large crater or circle in the center of the map. I thought that a large center that blocked LOS along the bottom level of the map would make some interesting game play, be a distinct feature, and serve as a useable transition between the two levels. The Bases, were inspired from stockpile (designed by KC) and the sides came from Embezzlement ( a 2 base map I made just before Impact). The map was intended to hold 4-6 players and primarily play 5 man FFA, which was the standard at the time. I wanted the map to have a circular flow to it; with enough surface area to hold 6 players. Each of the open ramps are at a custom angle adding to aesthetics and playability. Notice the transition in impact complexity level design, as players can move freely through the map with ease. Here are two of the first drawings I made for Impact during the concept phase. Impact-- concept Impact—concept Impact took about 1 month to forge in foundry. I would work on it about 20-30 hours a week. Version 2 was finished about 3 weeks later, with minor fixes to geometry and the addition of team game types. Impact is one of my most popular map with over 4,000 downloads between the two versions. You can download it here Impact v2.0 Back to School After the update on Impact, I stopped forging for about 2 months. That doesn’t mean that I stopped thinking of new ideas for maps. I was busy finishing school. At the beginning part on June, I starting working on an intro college statistical course. It was the last class I needed to graduate and ironically one of the first ones that your supposed to take. On the 15th of August 2008, I received my Bachelors of Fine Art. I also have an associates in Art and Science. So that’s how I came up with the gamer tag “Kon Artist” for those wondering where it derived from. I had put off finishing my degree for awhile, due to the fact that it wasn’t affecting my current work and career direction. However, I have made a decision to take my love for art and video games and unify them into one goal. I plan on opening my own development studio! So who knows, maybe one day MLG will be running games on a game that I have made. However, that is still a ways off— so I continued where I left off, using forge as a place to refine my design skills. . . Bungie can I have a job now? Room for Eight As I said, I still worked on map layouts and designs when I was finishing school. Over those two months I came up with conflict. The story behind conflict is this:: After the Impact the people built a dwelling place around the crater. It was a utopia environment. A few years later, one group of people became hostile and threats of aggressive expansion lingered in the air. So the four groups started to fortify their living spaces. The only neutral ground became the courtyard, which no one ever entered. Layout-- again addressed the problems in Impact. I call them problems, because Impact only held 6 players and I wanted a map that could be taken seriously for 4v4 and 8 man FFA. My main focus with Conflict was safe spawns. Solution—larger bases that are more fortified than typical MLG style maps. I had to be careful when making a base that has limited lines of sight. I balanced this with multiple routes into each base. This kept the balance, flow, and connectivity of the map. Conflict-- Blue Base (blue cir. are spawns points, green arrows are opening into base) The bases design did not vary to product in version 1. In version 2 boxes were offset to create cover outside and inside the base. Here are a few drawings of Conflict. Conflict—concept Conflict—concept How to Build Forging can be very relaxing. . . if you have about 1,000 hours of music on your ipod. There are no real short cuts in forge, its easy to learn and impossible to master. Forge is a stubborn tool and only yields to patience. Anyways, here is a few tips to optimize your building time as much as possible. First, after you have a drawing or sketch of your layout— build a rough draft. What I mean is, don’t geo-glitch anything, just throw objects around to get a feel for size, flow, LOS, and of course material management. Here is a picture of the 1st build. Conflict—1st build Final build: everything is in place, neat and smooth. Here is a few tips to get your map symmetrical and smooth. Spawning areas always form a line on the true “X” and “Y” axis. Set a spawn area to 30 units high—then make the width Zero—then make the length 60 units. This will give you a nice blue straight line across the map to line up symmetrical parts, like bases or ramps. Conflict— forge Yeah… I have American Express Conflict version 1 was about $300 over budget! Not something you and your friends would want to play split screen. I have not paid too much attention to budget, because I have been more interested in developing my ideas than anything else. I look at each map as an art project and build them with the most care, or tell I run out of mountain dew. As you can see in Conflict, there is not one singular object laying around. Getting players to forget that they are in foundry is key to mood and feel of a map. Many object are combined to create structures and unique angles. Conflict v1 was finished off by numbering the bases with teleporter light—an idea that came from forge legend Nexn. Conflict v1.0 But We’re In A Recession After many test on Conflict. Lets say I didn’t get any real bad feedback. And the only feedback I got was, “wish it was in budget”. Then it was brought to my attention that Bungie would be putting together a user created play list. And to qualify, you have to be in budget. So Fritzster challenged me reconfigure the map with-in budget. Version 2 is the final build of the map. It took about a week and a half to build version two. I didn’t start over, but quickly said goodbye to the teleport lights (that was about $100) and the top row on the bases. Also, “A” and “B” were completely reworked because I felt they were over simplified and ugly in v1. I felt that the long side needed more options and cover. The new “A” and “B” sides help increases flow of the map and pull it together as one work of art. Conflict v1.0 “A” side Conflict v2.0—“A” side Forging Ahead I could write a whole lot more about the thought process and theory of map design… But I am an Art major, not a journalist. So what next? I plan on making at least one more map with forge in foundry. I have already designed it and have the rough build done. After that, I plan on moving on to another editor and a PC modding team. From there I will land a job working as either a concept artist or multiplayer designer at a studio. Finally… I plan on having my own development studio were I can over see my own production. For those that have ambitions, dedication, passion, and dream. . .go for them. Bungie, we could accomplish world domination together. Thank you for making a great game that was a good place for me to start. click here to download Conflict v2.2
This map is very interesting there4 are many points i like, I like the teleporters, do they point to anything? I like the bridges, its been done, but not to that extent! i like! :] very interesting map, i'll download, but where do the weapons spawn?
Argh, I just typed up a full paragraph and I clicked onto the page and I pressed backspace and it went back a page. So I lost all of my text. ’m just going to give you a short version now. What I like about conflict is that its 4-based, top and bottom middle connects to the rest of the map. It’s a lone active camo not just a lone mauler. The whole map is very clean and I can tell you this now, you are getting premium. I’m going to give it a go to see how it plays and I’ll get back to you. MLG don't use man weapons that you would use on a regular map. They use the BR, Carbine, Mauler, Sniper, Rocket, Plasma pistol, OS, camo and sometimes a damage amplifier, Plasma rifle and magnums. looks like they are callouts for the bases. eg. base 2
I see you're on your way to a second feature, eh? God, I love how much walking space there is on this map...opposed to conventional MLG maps with skinny walkways and awkward passages around every corner, and also how the bases connect to the middle area. Another turn on is the un-Foundry feel I'm getting from this, since most of the boxes are used to make the actual structure of the map, and not necessarily the walk-able part. So without further ado, this map is gorgeous. If MLG were to use a 4 base map in the circuit, this would be the one. Great job.
Conflict call-outs it seems that some people are having a hard time calling things out on this map, b/c there isn't the regular red, blue, yellow, green, A & B side. But it is pretty easy. This map has 4 bases and a long and short side. So here are the call outs that I use in game. The bold is the call out, followed by the description. For center of the Map- courtyard courtyard:: all the brdiges in center 5 total Center Hill:: the 3.5 x3.5 sq. top center with signs Ball:: very middle of top courtyard Bottom court:: under center bridges Active:: bottom center b/t the two walls where active spawns For the Bases- Bases are numbered in the front, 1-4 clockwise 1st Base (base 1) 2nd, 3rd, 4th 1st top:: base 1 top floor (2nd top, 3rd top, 4th top) 1st bottom:: base 1 botttom floor (2nd bottom, 3rd bottom, 4th bottom) 1st nades:: bottom center of base 1 (2nd nades, 3rd nades, 4th nades) 1st door:: the door way that connects the base 1 to the courtyard (2nd door, 3rd door, 4th door) 1st AS:: the top door of base 1 to A bridge (4th AS) 1st AL:: the top door of base 1 to B bridge (2nd BL) 3rd BS:: the top door of base 3 to B bridge on short side (4th BS) 3rd BL:: the top door of base 3 to B bridge on long side (2nd BL) 1st dump:: the dumpster in the back top of Base 1 (2nd dump, 3rd, dump, 4th dump) 1st flag:: the sq. b/t ramps in the back of the base. (2nd flag, 3rd flag, 4th flag) Side of Bases and bridges- There is an A & B side, and long and short 1st stairs:: the stairs connected to Base 1 (2nd staris, 3rd stairs, 4th stairs) 1st jump:: the upsidedown dumpster next to Base 1 on the short side (2nd jump, 3rd jump, 4th jump) Long A:: the raised bridge on A side (connects bases 1 and 4) Long B:: the raised bridge on B side (connects bases 2 and 3) Short A:: the flat bridge on A side (connects bases 1 and 2) Short B:: the flat bridge on B side (connects bases 3 and 4) A Hill:: the area under long A where the hill spawns B hill:: the area under Long B where the hill spanws A pit:: the area under short A b/t bases 1 and 2 before bottom court B pit:: the area under short B b/t bases 3 and 4 before bottom court
I was about to post that i loved the numbering because I used them to call out enemies. Then i saw your explaination. I cant imagine anyone not being able to figure that out, its the best thing about this map. Great idea. Also the map plays well, except for some reason i kept respawning near the same spot. (near base 3)
Thanks, i don't think people had a hard time calling out bases, but specfices. Like front door, flag, etc. And players had no idea how to call out the side areas or bridges b/c there is two "A"s and two "B"s. so glad that helped. As you spawning in the same spot... let me ask you a few questions. How many people where in the game? and what was the gametype you were playing? B/c I have played many games on this. None have been with less than 4 players. Also, I have played all the gametypes and havn't had a problem with this. The only problem I have seen is in CTF, players would spawn in one of the side bases to close to the enemies flag when theirs was "away from home". This has been fix and the respawn areas for players when flag is "away from home" has been srunk.
I remember viewing this map in it's early stages. I didn't think you were going to add an entire second level to the central area of the map. Using numbers instead of powerups is a much cleaner, more precise way of categorizing the bases. It's much easier to say a number than a colour, so you can get your callouts out faster and your team can react quicker. I really like that you try to make sure all of your maps flow. I am seeing too many 'MLG' maps that depend on technical jumps, when all they do is hinder gameplay, you need to be able to navigate freely around the map to have a true enjoyable experience. Good job, i will get back to you on the gameplay, but with the amount of space offered it doesn't look like there will be problems.
well this is another great map by kon artist. It is void of all of the little things that make a map overcomplicated. That can be seen as taking one idea and making it great.
There are a few technical jumps in the map. Each is very hard to do. But you don’t have to be able to do these jumps to get around the map smooth and fast. on the short “A” and “B” side there is a drop down from the bridge. You can also jump up to the top of each base via the foundry wall lip. You can jump from the stairs to bridge on the long “A” and long “B” You can jump top center to top “A” or “B” sign Jumps 2 and 3 can only be done if you are playing with MLG setting on. Note:: you can not make these jumps without the speed increases.
Good things about the map Good things about the map: Very very clean interlocking Good wall designs used (teleports thingy) Gamplay looks fun Overall looks very fun 5/5 iv seen your maps there great
Kon the map is pretty much good for MLG gametypes from testing. I can see a lot of other gametypes working, let me know if you want to help test a lot of maps for November. And I can't wait for you newer map, the way you explained the layout was perfect.
Conflict v2 uploaded. This is a budget glitch free version of conflict. Also some major changes done to the sides. The bases have change slighty to bring the map with-in budget. Namely the top layer of the bases have been removed. Also Active camo was replaced with a mauler. CTF spawns have been improved. Hill location have been changed. I have a tread for v2. And v2.1 is in my file share, which I'm sure you cna figrue out how to get if you want. The only thing that is different in v2.1 was one box wasn't spawning at start on yellow side. Something you could never see b/c it spawned about 2 sec after the gmae started. Anyways enjoy.
You have written an amazing detailed time line and I've read every single bit of it. Amazing work - thank you so much for taking that time and maybe later we can catch up to our discussions in campaign, I really enjoyed that, but somehow the servers turned off 2 hours early, sorry about that Kon I thought for sure it was 2am PST. I'll TTYL hopefully sometime today and looking forward to your new map.
I had the pleasure of playing this with you yesterday Kon Artist. Since I couldn't say anything yesterday (mic troubles...), I'll have to say some things now. Overall, the map is fantastic. The multiple levels and long lines of sight with just enough cover made this into a pretty much perfect MLG map. The layout isn't quite like any other MLG map I've seen before, so more props for that. For one, let me start off saying that I loved that intense game of CTF. That was seriously one of my best MLG games on Halo 3 yet. and it's up there for one of my funnest games on Halo 3 period. The different amount of routes and surprise factor where anybody could kill you at pretty much any moment while carrying the flag was just epic. I know I got stopped inches away from the return point once or twice during that game. You really need a strategic focus while playing objective gametypes on this map, which is what really bring team gametypes alive. In KOTH, if the hill was in one of the corner bases, the perfect plan to eliminate the opposing team from the hill was to get them from all sides. one person goes through top middle entrance, another comes from the bottom entrance, and the others come from the sides. While you have an offensive plan, you also need a defensive plan, where one person would try to pick off opposing team members heading towards the hill, while the rest of your team is racking up points and defending the hill. So overall, the unique gameplay this map provides provided me, some of the best MLG games I've played in a while. No joke. Can't wait for the next one Kon.
hey im gonna double check but what gametyps are t hey suppodes to be im guessing capture the flag or slayer mayby team doubles not sure?
i like this congratz on feature nice map looks fun hope to see it in bungie's playlist wenever it comes out :>... nice interlocking... amazing layout... lots of time i can tell... nice geo... nice weapons... really its all nice congrats... and keep forging...
holly poo... Kon, that was a lot of writing, I loved it any way, great job bro, I love your work. keep it up. Ill keep an eye out for it over at bungie. the swat game was very fun on this too man.