Trenches is an EXTREMELY fast paced map that is good for ALL gametypes. There are three subtrenches that are all connected by one main trench. There is a wall sepparating the two teams sides, making the trenches the only way to make it to the other side. This causes VERY hectic gameplay. Here are some pics: Sideview (without the wall) Red base: Blue base: Middle Trench: Secret room: Heres a weapon list: Battle Rifle x 3 Shotgun x 1 SMG x 2 Magnum x 4 Rockets x 1 Frag x 6 Yeah, I know that it's not many, but this map is only for 4-6 people. Trenches is good for all gametypes, and I have made specific gametypes for this map, but there are more gametypes than there are fileshare slots, so i ask that when you play this map that you have an SMG start, no nades to spawn with, 50% damage resistance, no radar, player gravity set to 150%, and all items on map set to map default. Other than that, have fun playing! Here's the bungie link.
Based on seeing "fast-paced" and the same couple places from different angles, it looks very small. Hopefully not too small. I recommend that when you have two double boxes side to side, horizontally interlock them one wall-length.
very nice i would say interlock those boxes, but you seem to have taken care of it with the bridges very nice map design, but seems alittle small i like the smgs, but whut up with the gravity? i allways find lowered gravity to ****in annoying in games
Yeah, i get what you guys are saying with the boxes being interlocked. and i just wanted to set it to 150% gravity so that if you are playing with a noob, they wouldn't be able to crouch-jump out of the trench. and also, it is a very small map. only for 4-6 actually, not 4-10 as i said in the main post; i'll edit that soon.
Well, you should always break-proof a map. You shouldn't have to hinder gameplay with 150% gravity. Use everything. Use fence boxes, stairs, fence walls, wall corners, etc. To breakproof the map.
Seems fairly well made i think shotgun might over power that long hallway thing but it has 2 sides so you could go around and kill them. This looks like a small map especially if you had 10 peeps on it. you might want to put an overview pic so i could see the whole layout and the exact size. Ill dl and forgethrough asap.
Looks pretty fun but from the pics it looks small, but that does not effect anything i give the map a 3/5, it looks fun but somethings just a bit wrong anyway good map
Believe it or not, I tested this map with normal gravity, it's break-proof either way. yeah, there is something wrong. It was built on a very slight slant... you can see that under the red teams boxes in the corner.
idk, i just felt like putting it on, i guess it makes it seem more realistic. oh wait... this is halo... EDIT: I just added a sideview for anybody that wants it.
looks pretty cool and fun man great job i like the trenches idea too, ill dl and play asap does a tad messy though
dude this is a pretty good map dude 4/5 But i do think rockets in tight spaces is a little weird I'll DL
The rockets only have 2 shots in them, they are mostly just to clear out that back room of some campers... and it is messy W()()+!!! EDIT: Plz comment on the bungie forum too, i'm tired of my map getting lost under forums like "bungie favorites" and "OMG NEW AVALANCHE ZOMBEEZ MAP DESERVES BUNGIE FAVS"
this name has been already taken but oh well the boxes realy need to be interlocked it looks very messy. And what i can see it looks very small 2.5/5
I know that the name has already been taken, and that the boxes should be interlocked. It isn't very messy. It is messy, but not a lot. And so what if it's small. It's only for 2v2 or 3v3.
i dont think it really needs anything to be a good map, i think it's fine, take a 99/109 lol, just to be different, but it's pretty good. just cuz you can interlock doesn't necessarily mean you need to in order to have a good map, but it can help. sure do it if you want, but just make sure you don't believe critics when they criticize stuff just to criticize and make themselves look better and try to shape your ideas because im sure that can happen, but then again people can do the other extreme as well. i think it's good and if people download it and start playing it and say they like it then i'd keep it how it is unless u think u could do something with it. nice forge buddy! but remember this is just my opinion, so do how u like! ok -5/-5.0000001 lol! oh yeah and -5 divided by -5.00001 = about 0.99 = about 99%