NGN: Nukem Game Night #1 Signups

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Zaffaman, Sep 6, 2008.

  1. Zaffaman

    Zaffaman Ancient
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    Hey. I felt like hosting my own mini-TGIF today (Saturday). I'll use a host system, although not as extensive. I need 1 hardcore host. I`ll act as the casual host, but I need someone to sign up as the other host, and well as people to participate. My party (casual) will start at 6 PM PST, and end around 11 PM.

    Casual Party: Zaffaman- Gtag=Nukemgreen, 6:00 PST
    Hardcore Party: Veon 115- Gtag=Veon 115, ~5:45 PST
    #1 Zaffaman, Sep 6, 2008
    Last edited: Sep 6, 2008
    Stratigon13 likes this.
  2. Stratigon13

    Stratigon13 Ancient
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    first post

    I can be the hardcore host i guess. im not sure if i meet the requirements but whatever. If both the partys don't go on at the same time i want to do both. This is a pretty good idea + rep for bringing a spark of not boringness into my night. I prolly won't be able to get on untill later because my grandma is staying at our house to night.
  3. Zaffaman

    Zaffaman Ancient
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    Well, I would make you host had one of my other friends not already agreed. Sorry! The schedule and the HC host`s gamertag are in the first post if you want to join. His party is currently running, and mine`s just about to start. Also, next time I do this, I`ll start the thread about three in advance.
  4. Stratigon13

    Stratigon13 Ancient
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    ok its prolly for the best i dont know if i have enough hc maps. ok if i get on later ill definately join GT: Isle 0f View ( the "O" in 0f is a zero)
  5. Zaffaman

    Zaffaman Ancient
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    Alright, my party didn`t do too well; Probably because there wsn`t much time for people to sign up. Either way, it ended early because of family issues. Namely, my dad is a fun-hating asshole. Anyways, I`ll make the next sign-up thread further in advance next time.

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