Hey Guys, this is another one of the sigs i made. i know its not much, and its just a logo and the group, and three of there songs, but i just wanted to know which is better. The one with the border - NOTE- with this one, i think the border doesnt look the best now that i see it, but any suggestions on different color or something? Or the one without the border - Something i noticed was that the bleed it out part was farther then i intented, it was supposed to be closer, so... also they are one of my favorite band =] Any constructive criticism ill take it
LP is a great band, and the signature you made doesn't really have anything that I can CnC except that you should make the border a bit smaller.
For me, I think the image is too large overall. A more rectangle shape seems appropriate, but that could hurt the band image. As for what one I like better, I would have to say the one with the border.
ok, thanks guys! i didnt know you people would like it =] also, any suggestions on a different color border?
I don't really like the blue and orange theme you used. Also, I don't know if the text you used in the picture is appropriate for this sig. However, I think the text at the top looks pretty cool.
Black borders are usually optimal. Try making a more complex background as opposed to just solid color. This could end up as a really good sig. A little too big tho.
i guess i see how the text doesnt go to well now also, Hari, ill try to make a different background, but im not sure how good i can make it look =P and as for size, that could mess it up, they might not look all messed up, so i dont think it would look good small
ya, i couldnt think of a good color for a border, but it could be better if it were different color. but i do like second better myself too