Try as I might, I cannot figure out how to geomerge into walls. And just to clarify what I mean by germerging into walls. Sorry if it's not allowed to steal pics but everytime i ask somebody on XBL how to geomerge into walls they just geomerge into the ground. Don't try walking me through it on ForgeHub because I am a visual learner and I need to see somebody do it and walk me through the steps. So just send me a Friend Request on Xbox Live,(Gamertag-RHCP980) telling me that you will show me or something. Many Thanks!!
Just place it next to a wall, surround it with Teleporters or any other immoveable object, (which you prefer) and put the Doors in it. Is it really that hard? Oh well, you'll learn on time.
It sounds like your telling me how to geomerge next to a wall...Putting doors in it would just push it down.
ok ill give you a hand, its a good skill and i use it allot in my up and coming map i might add pictures later if that helps, well here's what you do, you place the box at the height you want, make sure you place it next to the wall, now surround that box with walls, the top the sides, and the bottom, NOT the side that's going to go into the wall or the side opposite it. You than take a door turn it upside town and push it into the box, make sure that's not on the side that's closest to the wall or the side with a wall attached, once the doors in save and quit. It should be floating. Grab the box and as you click A click start and save changes, there you go, repeat until its in the wall as much as you want but make sure you keep pushing the door into it, if you have any problems msg me
i would show you but i cant atm (nvm y) the thing i get stuck on is getting is straight into a the wall or the ground and the box being eaten by the ground as my friends say
Seriously it's just the same as Geo Merging into the ground, you just have the surrounding objects in a different position aswell as the Doors. You don't always have to float the Doors, just put something under them, if it isn't possible, float them.