V2 is better V1 has a bad color scheme or well its a good color scheme just not very nicely executed, Sharpen your background once too because it looks like a render on a blur.
ill like the second one, but the first one i like the colors better, but the way the second one has more color everywhere, i think its better overall.
The second is better. The first has very diff and "funny" looking textures. But I like them both, cool!
kk this is replyin to whomever said my sigs are too big and i would agree but i usually resize them when im finished on my last version of it... i usually end up with like a 400 by someother # i dont really like small sigs but im not a fan of too big either i like some where in between...ALso uploadin edited version of 2 to photobucket now.
The background is still blurry... Fix that up like add a sharpening or add more effects to the background.
srry it took me so long to get back to u guys i was watchin disturbia..To Hells: ill see what i can do with the background.And to terrax: since u got here late and didnt see it before v3 i prblly confuzzled u cuz i put v3 above v1 and 2 but yes i didnt like the yellow in v1 as well (Edit: v4.1 is done and im hopefully done with this sig but i added some kick ass glasses and some background changes)
i was gonna add aliens bot got lazy and then couldnt fins a spot for them and it was a sadface moment
i see u found the whole reason the white was there...(this is just sarcastic not mean)ALso, why didnt u like the glasses