Proving Groundsv2 link here ok to get started this is my first switch map the switch is an elevator like the one seen on the map end of the world scarab remake but thats this maps only sloppy geo-merging acully came in handy for the center piece. WARNING::the elevator might result in a shield decrease. i block off all the escapes im sure of it i set spawn times for power weapons and number off clips
This is an awesome map, but some of the interlocking looks a little sloppy. I you fix that up it would look better than it is. (trust me thats a hard thing)
Awesome, this is definitely a great way to start off a career in Forging. The Geo merging is great, and so is the regular merging. What make this map so cool? The fact that he used so many awesome techniques, like the fork-lift in the fence box, incredible. Anyone walking next to that thing will get a nasty/explosive surprise. Looks - 9.5 Playability - 9.5 Cover - 9 Over All - SUCCESS Sweet map, sweet post, I'd say you should keep Forging!
looks pretty good, nice open aired multi leveled map this would feel clausterphobic if you had sortened the walls anymore and closed it off the interlcoking is a little skewed, there seem to be to many weapons in close proximity on this map take out either mauler or shotty take out turret, never works well on maps such as these also i wouldnt have a niper on this map, wont work to well with the in game mechanics
seems very neat except for the double box in the second pic with the stickys. I like how you put shotgun in a very open and in the center of the map area. It makes whoever wants shotty to risk their life. This is very awesome for a trainee. keep on forgin you got one more dl.
I really like this map. Neat center peice, amazing interlocking and geomerging and a great weapon set make this map one of the best I have played. FANTASTIC 4.999999/5 INTIMIDATION V3
Nice job, I like the map. I think there should be some minor adjustments to things like the "B" tower, to make it a little bit more useable, but overall, a nice job. 5.4/6 (try to figure that one out) Oh, btw, I got killed by the lift the first time I used it, other than that though, it has worked well. I guess I just had bad luck.
map looks fun, very nice interlocking and forging techniques, one thing that cracks me up is in the last pic the rocket launcher is clearly on the SOLID door but we can still see the shadow underneath. LOL silly bungie
This looks like a good map. Your geo merging seems very sloppy in some places and also your interlocking. This is only for aesthetics. Its otherwise a great map
im glad most of you like it ill rember to clean up some of the interlocking it plays great with 4-6 players mostly 4 six if you have to oh yea i also recommend ctf(capture the flag)
nice job on the interlocking ... i think if u woulda interlocked the double boxes in pic #5 i believe.... i like the fencebox w/ the forklift n i like the stairs w/ the bride upside down on it not original but its a nice trick.... 4/5
This map is simply amazing. You did very well with the interlocking and everything seems to be straight. Also, 1v1 and 2v2 looks really fun here. Keep forging!
Looks really good i like the tower with the br in it and the weapon placement, but it looks easily escapable....unless there is a roof
NO INTERLO- wait... Heh, this looks like a very solid map! Great Geomerging, Great Interlocking, great use of things you have. Like the fusion coil underneath the rocket! GENIUS!
Ok so the map geometry is very good but the weapon set needs work. It seems the only thing you changed the respawn time of was the equipment. 2 snipers on a map this small was questionable but the fact that they both have 2 spare clips and respawn in 30 sec is even worse. Here are some weapon placement guides. I hope I see a v2 cause you have great potential. Also you might want to replace those custom powerups with os because half the time it kills you. This map is escapable you might want to highten the wall on the side with the regen and sword because a nade can place you right over it. I found another way out but you need the custom powerups to get there soo changing to oversheild would fix that too.
ok ill make a v2 there were mistakes on here such like i dint know that theres a hard way to grenade hop over the boxes i forgot about the spwan timing on the weapons after ill fix those what should be quick ill change the topic name to v2 glad to see all you like it thxs =)
ok i finished the upgrade the title on the map list play wont show v2 so i decided to tell you if you know plzz tell me ok i fix so theres no more escape and put those spawning times on those weapons hope you like this better
Elevators rock! I like the use of the upside-down single open boxes, but trapping that poor fork-lift in that fence box is just inhumane The smaller center part (where the shotgun is, I think) is a very cool looking size and shape. I like how the lower ones are not even, gives it a cool feel. I like how you have the snipers sitting across from each other, though I could see it leading to disaster if 2 people on the same team got to them! The elevator is cool, but it killed me more than once... damn new-fangled machinery! I think my favorite part of this map is the rocket room. I can see how this section of the map could get quite heated, especially when you consider the chance of lighting off that fusion coil with even an 'ok' placed grenade bounce! Good Job!
Fixed great map it looks great. you have great skills oops i forgot to tell you that i think it should have a 8/10 because its a bit small